An ambitious project to make an easy-to-use but powerful reverse-engineering tool.
The project is still in its development phase and not yet ready to be released.
- Memory and pointer scanning
- A powerful disassembler and decompiler
- C-Style struct parser and memory browser
- Debugger and remote debugger
- Support for x86, x86-64 and ARM
- Extendable plugins/backend for more different architectures
- Support for users-own bypass methods
Without these awesome open source projects, Tokio wouldn't have been possible! ❤
- ImGui: Dear ImGui is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++. (MIT License)
- Zydis: Fast and lightweight x86/x86-64 disassembler and code generation library. (MIT License)
- yegord's fork of snowman: Snowman is a native code to C/C++ decompiler, supporting x86, AMD64, and ARM architectures. (No license)
And a massive thanks to:
- ocornut: The author of the ImGui library, the silence hero!
- bitwizeshift: The author of the Result library, which Tokio used at the beginning, unfortunately it is now switched to the good old exceptions.
- All users, followers and contributors of Tokio, I love you all 💖.
The project is made to build with Visual Studio 2022.
To build it, you first have to install TrueType as it is used for ImGui. Follow ImGui's instructions here, or run the commands below to install it from vckpkg:
git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg integrate install
./vcpkg install freetype:x64-windows
For the snowman decompiler, Qt5 and boost has to be installed as well:
./vcpkg install boost:x64-windows
./vcpkg install qt5:x64-windows
Although Tokio was originally developed for Windows, it has the potential of going cross-platform since the core engine is os-independent, there are a few changes required to do it such as replacing Graphics.cpp, make Win32Memory and Win32Symbol engine a plugin, re-design the plugin interface to load other than dlls, and so on.