The simple API for web scraping instagram users using Selenium and BeautifulSoap.
The syntax of the query
After question mark follow arguments:
* username - your username or someone else's
Optional: False
* method - method to parse instagram page
Supported Methods:
- Selenium
In progress:
- BeautifulSoap
Optional: False
* [limit] - number of posts to crawl
If the limit has been omitted the whole page is going to be crawled
Type: Integer
Optional: True
* [pwd] - whether the user wants to log in and scrap his own private account
You cannot crawl the page of the private account belonged to another user
Optional: True
* [headless] - to crawl using headless browser
Type: Boolean (1 or 0)
Optional: True
The output of this API is a json object
"response": {
"object": {...},
"settings": {...}
* Extend abilities of this API to crawl more data