This repo contains all currently available Azure Resource Manager templates contributed by the community. A searchable template index is maintained at Azure Resource Manager Templates.
The following information is relevant to get started with contributing to this repository.
- Contribution guide. Describes the minimal guidelines for contributing.
- Best practices. Best practices for improving the quality of your template design.
- Git tutorial. Step by step to get you started with Git.
- Useful Tools. Useful resources and tools for Azure development.
You can deploy these samples directly through the Azure Portal or by using the scripts supplied in the root of the repo.
To deploy a sample using the Azure Portal, click the Deploy to Azure button found in the of each sample.
To deploy the sample via the command line (using Azure PowerShell or the Azure CLI 1.0) you can use the scripts below.
Simply execute the script and pass in the folder name of the sample you want to deploy.
For example:
.\Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1 -ResourceGroupLocation 'eastus' -ArtifactStagingDirectory '[foldername]'
Please ensure that you have node and npm, jq and azure-cli installed.
./ -a [foldername] -l eastus
- If you see the following error: "syntax error near unexpected token `$'in\r''", run this command: 'dos2unix'.
- If you see the following error: "jq: command not found", run this command: "sudo apt install jq".
- If you see the following error: "node: not found", install node and npm.
- If you see the following error: " is not a command", make sure you run "chmod +x".
If the sample has artifacts that need to be "staged" for deployment (Configuration Scripts, Nested Templates, DSC Packages) then set the upload switch on the command. You can optionally specify a storage account to use, if so the storage account must already exist within the subscription. If you don't want to specify a storage account one will be created by the script or reused if it already exists (think of this as "temp" storage for AzureRM).
.\Deploy-AzureResourceGroup.ps1 -ResourceGroupLocation 'eastus' -ArtifactStagingDirectory '201-vm-custom-script-windows' -UploadArtifacts
./ -a [foldername] -l eastus -u
To make sure your template is added to index, please follow these guidelines. Any templates that are out of compliance will be added to the blacklist and not be indexed on
- Every deployment template and its associated files must be contained in its own folder. Name this folder something that describes what your template does. Usually this naming pattern looks like appName-osName or level-platformCapability (e.g. 101-vm-user-image)
- Required - Numbering should start at 101. 100 is reserved for things that need to be at the top.
- Protip - Try to keep the name of your template folder short so that it fits inside the Github folder name column width.
Github uses ASCII for ordering files and folder. For consistent ordering create all files and folders in lowercase. The only exception to this guideline is the, that should be in the format UPPERCASE.lowercase.
Include a file that explains how the template works.
- Guidelines on the file below.
- The deployment template file must be named azuredeploy.json.
- There should be a parameters file named azuredeploy.parameters.json.
- Use defaultValues in the azuredeploy.json template whenever there is a value that will work for all users. The parameters file, should contain only GEN* values for generating values for a test deployment. Do NOT use values that require changes by the user for a successful deployment (e.g. changeme).
- The template folder must contain a metadata.json file to allow the template to be indexed on
- Guidelines on the metadata.json file below.
- The custom scripts that are needed for successful template execution must be placed in a folder called scripts.
- Linked templates must be placed in a folder called nested.
- Images used in the must be placed in a folder called images.
- Any resources that need to be setup outside the template should be named prefixed with existing (e.g. existingVNET, existingDiagnosticsStorageAccount and provision using a prereqs template.
The describes your deployment. A good description helps other community members to understand your deployment. The uses Github Flavored Markdown for formatting text. If you want to add images to your file, store the images in the images folder. Reference the images in the with a relative path (e.g. ![alt text](images/namingConvention.png "Files, folders and naming conventions")
). This ensures the link will reference the target repository if the source repository is forked. A good contains the following sections
- Deploy to Azure button
- Visualize button
- Description of what the template will deploy
- Tags, that can be used for search. Specify the tags comma separated and enclosed between two back-ticks (e.g Tags:
cluster, ha, sql
) - *Optional: Prerequisites
- *Optional: Description on how to use the application
- *Optional: Notes
Do not include the parameters or the variables of the deployment script. We render this on from the template. Specifying these in the will result in duplicate entries on
You can download a sample for use in your deployment scenario. The sample also contains the code for the Deploy to Azure and Visualize buttons, that you can use as a reference.
A valid metadata.json must adhere to the following structure
"$schema": "",
"itemDisplayName": "60 char limit",
"description": "1000 char limit",
"summary": "200 char limit",
"githubUsername": "<e.g. bmoore-msft>",
"dateUpdated": "<e.g. 2015-12-20>",
"type": "QuickStart"
- Proper metadata schema
- Title of the sample
- Cannot contain HTML This is used for the template description on the index template details page
- This is shown for template description on the main template index page
- This is the username of the original template author. Do not change this
- This is used to display template author and Github profile pic in the index
- Must be in yyyy-mm-dd format.
- The date must not be in the future to the date of the pull request
- Type of template; in this case, QuickStart
- An array of the clouds supported by the sample, if omitted all clouds should be supported and will be tested. See the schema for the allowed values.
If the sample does not support all clouds add the environments property to metadata.json indicating the clouds that are supported. If omitted, the following is the default value of the environments property.
"environments": [
If the sample cannot be automatically tested (e.g. tenant level deployments) set the validation type to "Manual", the default is "Automatic".
If the sample needs separate parameter files for each cloud you can add each to the sample:
Cloud | Parameter Filename |
Azure Public Cloud | azuredeploy.parameters.json |
Azure US Government Cloud | |
If only one is provided it will be used for testing in all clouds.
We have automated template validation through Azure DevOps CI. These builds can be accessed by clicking the 'Details' link at the bottom of the pull-request dialog. This process will ensure that your template conforms to all the rules mentioned above and will also deploy your template to our test subscription.
To ensure your template passes, special placeholder values are required when deploying a template, depending on how the parameter is used. For static values you can see the actual value used in the .config.json file in this repo.
- GEN-UNIQUE[-N] - use this for a new globally unique resource name. The value will always be alpha numeric value with a length of
, where[N]
can be any number from 3 to 32 inclusive. The default length when N is not specified is 18. - GEN-SSH-PUB-KEY - use this if you need an SSH public key
- GEN-PASSWORD - use this if you need an azure-compatible password for a VM
- GEN-GUID - use this to generate a GUID
Quickstart CI engine provides few pre-created azure components which can be used by templates for automated validation. This includes a key vault with sample SSL certificate stored, specialized and generalized Windows Server VHD's, a custom domain and SSL cert data for Azure App Service templates and more.
Virtual Network Related placeholders:
- GEN-VNET-NAME - the name of the virtual network
- GEN-VNET-RESOURCEGROUP-NAME - the name of the resource group for the virtual network
- GEN-VNET-SUBNET1-NAME - the name of subnet-1
- GEN-VNET-SUBNET2-NAME - the name of subnet-2
Key Vault Related placeholders:
- GEN-KEYVAULT-NAME - the name of the keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-RESOURCEGROUP-NAME - the name of the resource group for the keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-FQDN-URI - the FQDN URI of the keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-RESOURCE-ID - the resource ID of the keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-PASSWORD-SECRET-NAME - the secret name for a password reference
- GEN-KEYVAULT-PASSWORD-REFERENCE - the reference parameter used to retrieve a KeyVault Secret (use "reference" for the property name, not "value")
- GEN-KEYVAULT-SSL-SECRET-NAME - the name of the secret where the sample SSL cert is stored in the keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-SSL-SECRET-URI - the URI of the sample SSL cert stored in the test keyvault
- GEN-KEYVAULT-ENCRYPTION-KEY - the name of the sample encryption key stored in keyvault, used for disk encryption
- GEN-KEYVAULT-ENCRYPTION-KEY-URI - the URI of the sample encryption key
- GEN-KEYVAULT-ENCRYPTION-KEY-VERSION - the secret version of the sample encryption key
- GEN-SF-CERT-URL - the URL of the sample service fabric certificate stored in keyvault
- GEN-SF-CERT-THUMBPRINT - the thumbprint of the sample service fabric certificate stored in keyvault
Existing VHD related placeholders:
- GEN-SPECIALIZED-WINVHD-URI - URI of a specialized Windows VHD stored in an existing storage account
- GEN-GENERALIZED-WINVHD-URI - URI of a generalized Windows VHD stored in an existing storage account
- GEN-GENERALIZED-WINVHD-FILENAME - the filename of the existing VHD
- GEN-DATAVHD-URI - URI of a sample data disk VHD stored in an existing storage account
- GEN-VHDSTORAGEACCOUNT-NAME - Name of storage account in which the VHD's are stored
- GEN-VHDRESOURCEGROUP-NAME - Name of resource group in which the existing storage account having VHD's resides
Custom Domain & SSL Cert related placeholders:
- GEN-CUSTOM-WEBAPP-NAME - placeholder for the name of azure app service where you'd want to attach custom domain
- GEN-CUSTOM-FQDN-NAME - sample custom domain which can be added to an App Service
- GEN-CUSTOM-DOMAIN-SSLCERT-THUMBPRINT - SSL cert thumbprint for the custom domain used in the custom FQDN
- GEN-CUSTOM-DOMAIN-SSLCERT-PASSWORD - Password of the sample SSL cert
- GEN-CUSTOM-DOMAIN-SSLCERT-PFXDATA - PFX data for the sample SSL cert
- GEN-SELFSIGNED-CERT-PFXDATA - PFX data for a sample self signed cert
- GEN-SELFSIGNED-CERT-CERDATA - CER data for a sample self signed cert
- GEN-SELFSIGNED-CERT-PASSWORD - password for a sample self signed cert
- GEN-SELFSIGNED-CERT-DNSNAME - DNS name for a sample self signed cert
Custom Domain & SSL Cert related placeholders:
- GEN-FRONTDOOR-NAME - placeholder for the frontdoor name reserved for CI/CD
- GEN-FRONTDOOR-CUSTOM-HOSTNAME - custom hostname with CNAME record mapped for the GEN-FRONTDOOR-NAME value
AppConfiguration Store related placeholders:
GEN-APPCONFIGSTORE-NAME - placeholder for the Microsoft.AppConfiguration/configurationStores
GEN-APPCONFIGSTORE-RESOURCEGROUP-NAME - resource group name for the AppConfig store
GEN-APPCONFIGSTORE-KEY1 - sample key/value stored in the AppConfig store, label is "template"
GEN-APPCONFIGSTORE-WINDOWSOSVERSION - sample key/value with a SKU Name for a windows server image, label is "template"
GEN-APPCONFIGSTORE-DISKSIZEGB - sample key/value with a disk size, in GB for a VM disk, label is "template"
GEN-USER-ASSIGNED-IDENTITY-NAME - name of a userAssigned MSI that has permission to the keyvault secrets
GEN-USER-ASSIGNED-IDENTITY-RESOURCEGROUP-NAME - resource group of the userAssigned identity for retrieving the resourceId
GEN-MACHINE-LEARNING-SP-OBJECTID - objectId of the Azure ML Service Principal in the tenant
GEN-COSMOS-DB-SP-OBJECTID - objectId of the Cosmos DB Service Principal in the tenant
Here's an example in an azuredeploy.parameters.json
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"value": "GEN-UNIQUE"
"adminUsername": {
"value": "GEN-UNIQUE"
"sshKeyData": {
"value": "GEN-SSH-PUB-KEY"
"dnsNameForPublicIP": {
"value": "GEN-UNIQUE-13"
If you're making use of links within your template contribution (within the template file itself or any scripts in your contribution) please ensure the following:
- Ensure any links which refer to content within your pull request points to
and NOT your fork. - All links are placed in your azuredeploy.json and you pass the link down into your scripts & linked templates via this top-level template. This ensures we re-link correctly from your pull-request repository and branch.
- Although pull requests with links pointing to
may not exist in the Azure repo at the time of your pull-request, at CI run-time, those links will be converted to{your_user_name}/azure-quickstart-templates/{your_branch}/...
. Be sure to check the casing of
as this is case-sensitive.
Note: You can find an example of relative linking in the nested template section of best practices document.
If your template has some pre-requisite such as existing Virtual Network or storage account, you should also submit pre-requisite template which deploys the pre-requisite components. CI automated validation engine automatically validates and deploy the pre-reqsuite template first and then deploys the main template. Following guidelines would help you in understanding how to leverage this capability.
- Create a folder named
in root of your template folder, Store pre-requisite template file, parameters file and artifacts inside this folder. - Store pre-requisite template file with name
and parameters files with nameprereq.azuredeploy.parameters.json
should deploy all required pre-existing resources by your main template and also output the values required by main template to leverage those resources. For example, if your template needs an existing VNET to be available prior to the deployment of main template, you should develop a pre-req template which deploys a VNET and outputs the VNET ID or VNET name of the virtual network created.- In order to use the values generated by outputs after deployment of
, you will need to define parameter values asGET-PREREQ-OutputName
. For example, if you generated a output with namevnetID
in pre-req template, in order use the value of this output in main template, enter the value of corresponding parameter in main template parameters file asGET-PREREQ-vnetID
- Check out this sample template to learn more
- If the prereqs and the sample must be deployed to the same resource group add a file named
to the prereqs folder and put the following json snippet into the file (the comment is optional). Do this only if required by the sample, otherwise it may block customer deployment scenarios:
"comment": "If prereqs need to be deployed to the same resourceGroup as the rest of the sample set the PrereqResourceGroupNameSuffix property to an empty string - otherwise you can omit this file",
"PrereqResourceGroupNameSuffix": ""
You can optionally provide a UI Definition file to customize the deployment experience in the Azure portal. If one is provided, be sure to update the links in the readme file to include the createUiDefinition.json file in the url. See the file for an example. For a working sample see the 100-marketplace-sample QuickStart.
More information can be found at the links below - the documenation is tailored for the marketplace but the shcema and behavior for createUiDefinition is a generic construct for the Azure portal.
createUiDefinition UI elements reference
If your deployment fails, check the details link of the Travis CI build, which will take you to the CI log. If the template deployment was attempted, you will get two top-level fields. The first is parameters
which is the rendered version of your azuredeploy.parameters.json
. This will include any replacements for GEN-
parameters. The second is template
which is the contents of your azuredeploy.json
, after any
relinking. These values are the exact values you need to reproduce the error. Keep in mind, that depending on the resources allocated, it can take a few minutes for the CI system to cleanup provisioned resources.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.