decrypt things
Credit to for the english detection ideas.
usage: python --help
Current features:
- Brute force
- Base64
- Reverse
- Atbash
- Caesar
- Hex
- Single byte XOR
- Hex Prefilter
- Repeating key XOR
- Analysis
- IC
- Hammming Distance
- String Encoding Detection: Hex
- String Encoding Detection: Base64
- Brute force
- take key(s) as argument
- take key(s) file as argument
- runtime argument to set min letters and words in detectEnglish
- cipher identification
- railfence
- baconian
- affine
- transposition
- bifid
- columnar transposition
- double transposition
- playfair
- Übchi
- vigenere
- frequency analysis
- Cohen's kappa test
- Chi test
- general performance improvements
- more strings encoding detection
note: When using newDetectEnglish(), the default is to require 60% words and 75% letters to return a match. The ideal values can vary greatly depending on plaintext length and contents. These values can be tweaked in the isEnglish() function, or when calling isEnglish() eg.isEnglish(cleartext, 50, 80)
would require 50% words and 80% letters.