Release 0.2
Handle job outputs and add few improvements.
Detailed list of tasks from Jira:
** Task
* [WID-38] - Extend tvb-ext-unicore to show and handle jobs
* [WID-64] - Add option NONE in the sites combobox
* [WID-65] - Cleanup GIT history
* [WID-43] - Add unit-tests for react parts
* [WID-49] - Drag & Drop a job in a notebook cell
* [WID-50] - List OUTPUT files and folders for a job
* [WID-51] - Drag a job output file and drop in the Drive area
* [WID-59] - Download output file in the current folder
* [WID-60] - Drag and drop a file into a notebook cell
** Bug
* [WID-42] - Handle exception when retrieving sites