- But you still to need to create a budget in AWS to track your spend, get notified, and detect anomalies
- Download github repo or clone to desktop
- Install libraries in requirements.txt
- Csv should be in same directory, if not, move to same directory where the code is stored
- Open excel, enter your data (test data is fine). In this example, I used filters by service. You could set this up by Tag, to encompass a product or category of products.
- Open the create-budget.py code, and update account with your information
- Update email address
- Save
- Run python code [Budgets API links](Budgets — Boto3 Docs 1.25.2 documentation)
- Check results in AWS Console
- Demo AWS Budgets with CSV
- Create buget from csv file that gets uploaded to S3, which operationally a way to handle budget creation, and updates on an ongoing basis without going in the portal, and or learning skills (just use excel).
- Budget pipeline deployment integration.
- A S3 trigger will run lambda function (serverless compute in the cloud), then create AWS budget.
- Move upload file from bucket to a processed bucket in S3.
- I excluded logging
- I excluded error handling
- I excluded Excel data validation