- update version #76
GitHub Actions / Test Results
Mar 8, 2024 in 0s
All 115 tests pass in 1s
115 tests 115 ✅ 1s ⏱️
1 suites 0 💤
1 files 0 ❌
Results for commit 82161bb.
Check notice on line 0 in .github
github-actions / Test Results
115 tests found
There are 115 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
AccountPage ‑ AccountPage should create
AccountPage ‑ AccountPage should show user information in html
AppComponent ‑ AppComponent should create the app
ArticleDictationCompletePage ‑ ArticleDictationCompletePage should create
ArticleDictationCompletePage ‑ ArticleDictationCompletePage should not call create history if history stored is true
ArticleDictationOptionsComponent ‑ ArticleDictationOptionsComponent init will get options from storage
ArticleDictationOptionsComponent ‑ ArticleDictationOptionsComponent option change will call storage.set
ArticleDictationPage ‑ ArticleDictationPage should create
ArticleDictationService checkAnswer ‑ ArticleDictationService checkAnswer case insensitive
ArticleDictationService checkAnswer ‑ ArticleDictationService checkAnswer case sensitive
ArticleDictationService checkAnswer ‑ ArticleDictationService checkAnswer check punctuation
ArticleDictationService checkAnswer ‑ ArticleDictationService checkAnswer get punctuation characters
ArticleDictationService test replacePunctuationToWord ‑ ArticleDictationService test replacePunctuationToWord can replace all punctuations
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService No sentence is empty
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService separate sentence with 7 words per sentence
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService separate sentence with different maxWordsInSentence = 10
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService separate sentence with different maxWordsInSentence = 3
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService separate sentence with different maxWordsInSentence = 5
ArticleDictationService ‑ ArticleDictationService separate sentence with different maxWordsInSentence = 7
CanDeactivateGuard ‑ CanDeactivateGuard should ...
CharacterButtonComponent ‑ CharacterButtonComponent click correct button
CharacterButtonComponent ‑ CharacterButtonComponent click correct button twice only emit event once
CharacterButtonComponent ‑ CharacterButtonComponent click wrong button
CharacterComponent ‑ CharacterComponent if and only if character is underscore, it is blinking
DictationCardComponent dictation source is FillIn ‑ DictationCardComponent dictation source is FillIn html elements display correctly
DictationCardComponent dictation source is Select ‑ DictationCardComponent dictation source is Select html elements display correctly
DictationCardComponent dictation source is Select ‑ DictationCardComponent dictation source is Select if the vocab is learnt will show badge
DictationCardComponent sentence dictation ‑ DictationCardComponent sentence dictation show options
DictationHelper test wordsToPractice ‑ DictationHelper test wordsToPractice normal dictation will return all words in vocab[]
DictationHelper test wordsToPractice ‑ DictationHelper test wordsToPractice retry wrong word practice will return wrong words only
DictationListComponent dictations source are Select ‑ DictationListComponent dictations source are Select html elements display correctly
DictationPracticePage initDictation ‑ DictationPracticePage initDictation default practice type be Spell
DictationPracticePage initDictation ‑ DictationPracticePage initDictation will call speak once
DictationQuestionsPipe ‑ DictationQuestionsPipe sentence dictation show number of sentences
DictationQuestionsPipe ‑ DictationQuestionsPipe vocabulary dictation show number of vocabularies
DictationService ‑ DictationService createSentenceDictationHistory will call http post with expected parameters
DictationService ‑ DictationService createVocabDictationHistory will call http post with expected parameters
DictationUtils test toCharacters ‑ DictationUtils test toCharacters toCharacters can provide character array in different size
DictationUtils test toCharacters ‑ DictationUtils test toCharacters toCharacters result are lowercase
DictationUtils test toCharacters ‑ DictationUtils test toCharacters toCharacters result are sorted
DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray ‑ DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray can split input by numbers
DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray ‑ DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray do not create vocabulary without a-z
DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray ‑ DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray vocabulary can contain single quote
DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray ‑ DictationUtils vocabularyValueToArray vocabularyValueToArray can split input to string arrays
DictationViewPage ‑ DictationViewPage input with dictation Id will call get dictation from service
DictationViewPage ‑ DictationViewPage input with navigation extra will not call get dictation from service
DictationViewPage ‑ DictationViewPage should create
EditDictationPage logined edit mode save dictation ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode save dictation submit request then open dictation page if dictation is saved
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode create form controls required
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode disable ai image toggle for sentence
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode do not show options for word
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode show ai image toggle for word
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode show create dictation in title in edit mode
EditDictationPage logined edit mode ‑ EditDictationPage logined edit mode show some of the elements in Edit mode
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation dont validate vocabulary pattern for sentence dictation
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation question is required
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation validate vocabulary pattern for word dictation
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login form validation word dictation cannot start with over 50 words
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation for include AI image. show info button, not show toggle
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation select dictation by word will show options for word
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation start by article will navigate to start dictation page
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login start instant dictation start instant dictation by single word will navigate to start dictation page
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login click preview will set the questions array and preview flag
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login dont not create form controls not required
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login dont show some of the elements
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login setupForm will init form value from instant dictation
EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login ‑ EditDictationPage without login instant dictation without login show start dictation in title
HomePage ‑ HomePage should create
InstantDictationPage ‑ InstantDictationPage should create
ManageVocabHistoryService ‑ ManageVocabHistoryService classify vocabulary will update the maps
ManageVocabHistoryService ‑ ManageVocabHistoryService findMemberVocabulary
ManageVocabHistoryService ‑ ManageVocabHistoryService load and classified vocabulary from local storage when construction
ManageVocabHistoryService ‑ ManageVocabHistoryService test randomWordsFromBefore with different input, output length
MemberHomePage ‑ MemberHomePage should create
MemberNamePipe ‑ MemberNamePipe show email if name not exist
MemberNamePipe ‑ MemberNamePipe show first name only if last name not exist
MemberNamePipe ‑ MemberNamePipe show last name if exist
MemberResolverService ‑ MemberResolverService error in getProfile will open home page
MemberResolverService ‑ MemberResolverService should be created
PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation retry will show vocabulary practice type options for saved vocabulary dictation
PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation retry wrong word only will set options
PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation show retry wrong word
PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage fill in (saved) dictation show vocabulary practice type options for saved vocabulary dictation
PracticeCompletePage generate dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage generate dictation do not show retry wrong word
PracticeCompletePage generate dictation ‑ PracticeCompletePage generate dictation retry all will go to vocabulary starter with correct vocabulary practice type
PracticeCompletePage test createHistory ‑ PracticeCompletePage test createHistory do not create history for practice type is puzzle
PracticeCompletePage test createHistory ‑ PracticeCompletePage test createHistory should call member vocabulary save history if dictation is generated
PracticeCompletePage test createHistory ‑ PracticeCompletePage test createHistory should call member vocabulary save history if dictation source is Select and show go to my vocabulary button
PracticeCompletePage ‑ PracticeCompletePage should not call create history if history stored is true
PracticeCompletePage ‑ PracticeCompletePage should not call save history if not login
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage date options are pre-set
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage do not store duplicate search history
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage form is validated
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage history is loaded from storage when init, and updated when search
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage keep last 10 history at max
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage should create component
SearchDictationPage ‑ SearchDictationPage showHistory only contain history which is started with input keyword
ShareService ‑ ShareService should be created
TruncatePipe ‑ TruncatePipe truncate with default input
TruncatePipe ‑ TruncatePipe truncate with different ellipsis
TruncatePipe ‑ TruncatePipe truncate with limit
VocabImageComponent ‑ VocabImageComponent AI loading image if no images input
VocabImageComponent ‑ VocabImageComponent default image if no images input
VocabPracticeService test receiveAnswer ‑ VocabPracticeService test receiveAnswer counter will not larger than length of word
VocabPracticeService test receiveAnswer ‑ VocabPracticeService test receiveAnswer update controls when receive first answer
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService createPuzzleControls create a new object for new word
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService generatePracticeFromWords create a vocabulary practice dictation
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService imageUrl can create correct url
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService isWordEqual can validate include space
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService isWordEqual ignore space or hyphen
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService isWordEqual is case insensitive
VocabPracticeService ‑ VocabPracticeService save history should trim the input before sending out
VocabSelectionComponent ‑ VocabSelectionComponent createExercise will call createOrAmendDictation
VocabSelectionComponent ‑ VocabSelectionComponent selectVocab will activate or de-activate vocabulary
VocabularyStarterPage ‑ VocabularyStarterPage input are stored when submit and load when enter page