A project comprised of one, possibly two, maybe even three functions to make VTubing easy. While existing VTube software for 3D avatars are available, none are as truly cross-platform as this one.
Go to the releases page and find the appropriate download link for your platform
To manually build, here are the prequisistes:
- git
- go
- npm
After the above are installed, run the following:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/thatpix3l/fntwo.git
cd fntwo
go generate ./... && go build -o build
The final binary for your platform resides in the project root's build
Start the program in a terminal window; open both your desktop browser and the OBS browser source to
In the desktop browser, pressing ESCAPE opens the main menu.
In the main menu, dragging and dropping a .vrm
file onto the left pane loads the new model.
Controls are as follows:
- Left-click and drag rotates the camera
- Right-click and drag pans the camera up & down, left & right.
- W, A, S, D pans the camera forward & backward, left & right.