Collection of scripts and GnuRadio graphs for researching Remote Keyless Entry systems for automobiles.
tools/ Takes the output of the demod.grc graph (i.e. a bytestream consisting of zeroes and ones) and decodes it to the underlying packet. Does the following internally: - Clock recovery - Manchester decoding - PDU reassembling
tools/ Takes a packet represented as hexadecimal and produces a bytestream that can be fed to mod.grc for sending. Does the following internally: - Manchester encoding - Packet assembly - "Sampling" at 2MHz
tools/scripts: Various small scripts that are used by and See the comments in each file for more information.
GNURadio flow graphs.
Jupyter scripts that were used to generate the modulation images for the slides.
The jamming attack presented in the last slides.
1. Start the jammer
2. ./
owner send lock signal, car doesn't lock due to jammer
3. ./
owner sends another lock signal, car still doesn't lock
4. ./
stops the jammer, send first signal
car is now locked, owner walks away
5. ./
converts second signal to unlock signal
car is unlocked by attackers