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Auto-generated PHP client code with Swagger from official definition

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Speech Services API v3.1.

This PHP package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "/": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: api_key
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key', 'Bearer');
// Configure API key authorization: token
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$id = "id_example"; // string | The identifier of the dataset.
$block_list = array(new \Swagger\Client\Model\CommitBlocksEntry()); // \Swagger\Client\Model\CommitBlocksEntry[] | The list of blocks that compile the dataset.

try {
    $apiInstance->datasetsCommitBlocks($id, $block_list);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi->datasetsCommitBlocks: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsCommitBlocks POST /datasets/{id}/blocks:commit Commit block list to complete the upload of the dataset.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsCreate POST /datasets Uploads and creates a new dataset by getting the data from a specified URL or starts waiting for data blocks to be uploaded.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsDelete DELETE /datasets/{id} Deletes the specified dataset.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsGet GET /datasets/{id} Gets the dataset identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsGetBlocks GET /datasets/{id}/blocks Gets the list of uploaded blocks for this dataset.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsGetFile GET /datasets/{id}/files/{fileId} Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a dataset (identified with id).
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsList GET /datasets Gets a list of datasets for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsListFiles GET /datasets/{id}/files Gets the files of the dataset identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsListSupportedLocales GET /datasets/locales Gets a list of supported locales for datasets.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsUpdate PATCH /datasets/{id} Updates the mutable details of the dataset identified by its ID.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsUpload POST /datasets/upload Uploads data and creates a new dataset.
CustomSpeechDatasetsForModelAdaptationApi datasetsUploadBlock PUT /datasets/{id}/blocks Upload a block of data for the dataset. The maximum size of the block is 8MiB.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsCreate POST /endpoints Creates a new endpoint.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsDelete DELETE /endpoints/{id} Deletes the endpoint identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsDeleteBaseModelLog DELETE /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs/{logId} Deletes one audio or transcription log that have been stored when using the default base model of a given language.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsDeleteBaseModelLogs DELETE /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs Deletes the specified audio and transcription logs that have been stored when using the default base model of a given language. It deletes all logs before (and including) a specific day.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsDeleteLog DELETE /endpoints/{id}/files/logs/{logId} Deletes one audio or transcription log that have been stored for a given endpoint.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsDeleteLogs DELETE /endpoints/{id}/files/logs Deletes the specified audio and transcription logs that have been stored for a given endpoint. It deletes all logs before (and including) a specific day.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsGet GET /endpoints/{id} Gets the endpoint identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsGetBaseModelLog GET /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs/{logId} Gets a specific audio or transcription log for the default base model in a given language.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsGetLog GET /endpoints/{id}/files/logs/{logId} Gets a specific audio or transcription log for a given endpoint.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsList GET /endpoints Gets the list of endpoints for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsListBaseModelLogs GET /endpoints/base/{locale}/files/logs Gets the list of audio and transcription logs that have been stored when using the default base model of a given language.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsListLogs GET /endpoints/{id}/files/logs Gets the list of audio and transcription logs that have been stored for a given endpoint.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsListSupportedLocales GET /endpoints/locales Gets a list of supported locales for endpoint creations.
CustomSpeechEndpointsApi endpointsUpdate PATCH /endpoints/{id} Updates the metadata of the endpoint identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsCreate POST /evaluations Creates a new evaluation.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsDelete DELETE /evaluations/{id} Deletes the evaluation identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsGet GET /evaluations/{id} Gets the evaluation identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsGetFile GET /evaluations/{id}/files/{fileId} Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from an evaluation (identified with id).
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsList GET /evaluations Gets the list of evaluations for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsListFiles GET /evaluations/{id}/files Gets the files of the evaluation identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsListSupportedLocales GET /evaluations/locales Gets a list of supported locales for evaluations.
CustomSpeechModelEvaluationsApi evaluationsUpdate PATCH /evaluations/{id} Updates the mutable details of the evaluation identified by its id.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsCopyTo POST /models/{id}:copyto Copies a model from one subscription to another.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsCreate POST /models Creates a new model.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsDelete DELETE /models/{id} Deletes the model identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsGetBaseModel GET /models/base/{id} Gets the base model identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsGetBaseModelManifest GET /models/base/{id}/manifest Returns an manifest for this base model which can be used in an on-premise container.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsGetCustomModel GET /models/{id} Gets the model identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsGetCustomModelManifest GET /models/{id}/manifest Returns an manifest for this model which can be used in an on-premise container.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsGetFile GET /models/{id}/files/{fileId} Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a model (identified with id).
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsListBaseModels GET /models/base Gets the list of base models for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsListCustomModels GET /models Gets the list of custom models for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsListFiles GET /models/{id}/files Gets the files of the model identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsListSupportedLocales GET /models/locales Gets a list of supported locales for model adaptation.
CustomSpeechModelsApi modelsUpdate PATCH /models/{id} Updates the metadata of the model identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsCreate POST /projects Creates a new project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsDelete DELETE /projects/{id} Deletes the project identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsGet GET /projects/{id} Gets the project identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsList GET /projects Gets the list of projects for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListDatasets GET /projects/{id}/datasets Gets the list of datasets for specified project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListEndpoints GET /projects/{id}/endpoints Gets the list of endpoints for specified project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListEvaluations GET /projects/{id}/evaluations Gets the list of evaluations for specified project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListModels GET /projects/{id}/models Gets the list of models for specified project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListSupportedLocales GET /projects/locales Gets the list of supported locales.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsListTranscriptions GET /projects/{id}/transcriptions Gets the list of transcriptions for specified project.
CustomSpeechProjectsApi projectsUpdate PATCH /projects/{id} Updates the project identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsCreate POST /transcriptions Creates a new transcription.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsDelete DELETE /transcriptions/{id} Deletes the specified transcription task.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsGet GET /transcriptions/{id} Gets the transcription identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsGetFile GET /transcriptions/{id}/files/{fileId} Gets one specific file (identified with fileId) from a transcription (identified with id).
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsList GET /transcriptions Gets a list of transcriptions for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsListFiles GET /transcriptions/{id}/files Gets the files of the transcription identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsListSupportedLocales GET /transcriptions/locales Gets a list of supported locales for offline transcriptions.
CustomSpeechTranscriptionsApi transcriptionsUpdate PATCH /transcriptions/{id} Updates the mutable details of the transcription identified by its ID.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksCreate POST /webhooks Creates a new web hook.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksDelete DELETE /webhooks/{id} Deletes the web hook identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksGet GET /webhooks/{id} Gets the web hook identified by the given ID.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksList GET /webhooks Gets the list of web hooks for the authenticated subscription.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksPing POST /webhooks/{id}:ping Sends a ping event to the registered URL.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksTest POST /webhooks/{id}:test Sends a request for each registered event type to the registered URL.
CustomSpeechWebHooksApi webHooksUpdate PATCH /webhooks/{id} Updates the web hook identified by the given ID.
ServiceHealthApi serviceHealthGet GET /healthstatus Returns the overall health of the service and optionally of the different subcomponents.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header



Auto-generated PHP client code with Swagger from official definition






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