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Project Status: WIP – Initial development is in progress, but there has not yet been a stable, usable release suitable for the public.

DOI Zenodo


ananke provides functions for simple radiocarbon calibration and chronological analysis.

This package is currently experimental. This means that it is functional, but interfaces and functionalities may change over time, testing and documentation may be lacking.

To cite ananke in publications use:

Frerebeau N (2024). ananke: Quantitative Chronology in Archaeology. Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Pessac, France. doi:10.5281/zenodo.13236285, R package version 0.0.1,

This package is a part of the tesselle project


You can install the released version of ananke from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


## Load packages
## Data from Bosch et al. 2015

## Calibrate multiple dates
cal <- c14_calibrate(
  values = ksarakil$date,
  errors = ksarakil$error,
  names = ksarakil$code,
  curves = "marine13",
  reservoir_offsets = 53,
  reservoir_errors = 43,
  from = 50000, to = 0

## Plot

## Full text description
describe(cal, fill = TRUE)
#> Sample GrA-53005 is dated to 26157 +/- 137 BP, calibrated to [-28476,-27542] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-54848 is dated to 28757 +/- 137 BP, calibrated to [-30839,-29739] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-53006 is dated to 34257 +/- 234 BP, calibrated to [-36922,-35609] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57545 is dated to 35827 +/- 264 BP, calibrated to [-38740,-37393] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-54847 is dated to 39857 +/- 372 BP, calibrated to [-41933,-40649] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57544 is dated to 35907 +/- 234 BP, calibrated to [-38768,-37556] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57598 is dated to 37267 +/- 273 BP, calibrated to [-39990,-38963] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57599 is dated to 39837 +/- 313 BP, calibrated to [-41790,-40694] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-53001 is dated to 34037 +/- 224 BP, calibrated to [-36675,-35233] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-54846 is dated to 39797 +/- 343 BP, calibrated to [-41810,-40639] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57602 is dated to 36677 +/- 244 BP, calibrated to [-39505,-38379] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57603 is dated to 38207 +/- 264 BP, calibrated to [-40554,-39758] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57542 is dated to 36237 +/- 244 BP, calibrated to [-39133,-37913] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-53004 is dated to 39337 +/- 333 BP, calibrated to [-41350,-40380] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-57597 is dated to 39987 +/- 343 BP, calibrated to [-42004,-40765] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Sample GrA-53000 is dated to 40497 +/- 353 BP, calibrated to [-42453,-41109] CE 
#> (95.4% HPD interval) with marine13 (marine reservoir offset: 53 +/- 43; Reimer e
#> t al. 2013).
#> Calibration was computed with R 4.4.1 (R Core Team 2024) and package ananke 0.0.1 (Frerebeau 2024).

Related Works

  • Bchron enables quick calibration of radiocarbon dates, age-depth modelling, relative sea level rate estimation, and non-parametric phase modelling.
  • racarbon includes functions not only for basic calibration, uncalibration, and plotting of one or more dates, but also a statistical framework for building demographic and related longitudinal inferences from aggregate radiocarbon date lists.
  • rintcal consists of a data compilation of the IntCal radiocarbon calibration curves and provides a number of functions to assist with calibrating dates and plotting calibration curves.


Please note that the ananke project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.