maintainertools package provides a collection of useful functions for project maintainers, such as writing summaries on issues, pull requests, and preparing for releases for projects on GitHub.
You can install the development version of maintainertools package from GitHub with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to generate a summary that can be included in release notes:
repo <- "kubeflow/common"
from <- "2020-05-10"
until <- "2020-05-19"
labels_mapping <- list(
"size/S" = "Small Changes",
"size/L" = "Large Changes",
"size/M" = "Medium Changes")
get_release_summary(repo, from, until, labels_mapping)
You can find an example release summmary here.
Note that if you intend to run a large number of requests, you may want to add your GitHub token to environment variable like the following:
Sys.setenv(GITHUB_TOKEN = "XXX")