Example datasets to run a dose-response analysis in Tercen. They come from the R package drc
Data from an experiment where the chemicals acifluorfen and diquat tested on Lemna minor. The dataset has 7 mixtures used in 8 dilutions with three replicates and 12 common controls, in total 180 observations.
Soerensen, H. and Cedergreen, N. and Skovgaard, I. M. and Streibig, J. C. (2007) An isobole-based statistical model and test for synergism/antagonism in binary mixture toxicity experiments, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 14, 383–397.
Comparison of toxicity of four types of selenium by means of dose-response analysis.
Jeske, D. R., Xu, H. K., Blessinger, T., Jensen, P. and Trumble, J. (2009) Testing for the Equality of EC50 Values in the Presence of Unequal Slopes With Application to Toxicity of Selenium Types, Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 14, 469–483