Core (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
Decouple logging from profiler.profileKernel (#3606 ). Thanks, @Linchenn .
Change image rotation kernel to be counterclockwise. (#3626 ).
Modularize spectral ops. (#3608 ).
Support async query for tf.profile (#3564 ). Thanks, @Linchenn .
Add tf.image.rotateWithOffset op. (#3560 ).
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
[wasm] Add Reverse kernel. (#3526 ).
[core] Remove reshape from tensor / opHandler. (#3514 ).
Modularize stack, unstack, reshape, expandDims, squeeze (#3452 ).
[wasm] Add Conv2dBackpropInput kernel. (#3472 ).
[WASM] Add OneHot op (#3409 ). Thanks, @pvaneck .
[WASM] Add equal op (#3456 ). Thanks, @pvaneck .
Bug fixes
[core] Account for optional inputs in profileKernel. (#3697 ).
[wasm] Pass in fusedDepthwiseConv flag when computing conv_info. (#3676 ).
fix import path in kernel_names (#3653 ).
fix cumsum and strided slice bugs (#3638 ).
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
silence warning about overriding gradients (#3572 ).
Fix min op test for nightly [Fix min op test for nightly] (#3547 ).
Attempt to fix nightly (#3545 ).
Modularize fused ops (#3597 ).
Modularize remaining unary ops (#3605 ).
Modularize softmax/logSoftmax, sparseToDense, TopK, stridedSlice (#3587 ).
Modularize tensor ops (#3590 ).
Modularize array ops (#3588 ).
modularize unary ops (#3586 ).
modularize signal ops (#3579 ).
Modularize slice ops (#3581 ).
Modularise unary ops (#3575 ).
silence warning about overriding gradients (#3572 ).
Modularize sign, ceil, floor, neg (#3569 ).
Modularize scatterNd, unsortedSegmentSum & gather. (#3544 ).
Move all the remaining chaining api outside of tensor.ts (#3538 ).
Modularize argMax, argMin, min, mean and sum (#3517 ).
Modularize any, all, prod, moments and logSumExp (#3505 ).
modularize reverse ops (#3502 ).
modularize loss ops (#3492 ).
remove chaining api from movingAverage op (#3499 ).
modularize lstm ops (#3498 ).
remove chaining api from norm (#3500 ).
Modularize cropAndResize (#3474 ).
Modularise logical ops (#3465 ).
modularise linalg ops (#3464 ).
Modularize nonMaxSuppression ops (#3461 ).
Modularise resizeBilinear and resizeNearestNeighbor (#3430 ).
added docstring for compute and apply gradients (#2926 ). Thanks, @dhirensr .
Update License (#3507 ).
Update License (#3507 ).
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
Add NonMaxSuppressionV4. (#3602 ).
Remove debug from arg list. (#3530 ).
[core] Account for both ellipsisMask and begin / end masks in strided slice. (#3488 ).
Implement op dilation2d (#3462 ).
Data (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
Layers (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
Converter (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
Improve model summary (#3519 ).
added support explicit padding for conv2d ops (#3493 ).
Add Support for various TensorList ops (#3432 ).
Bug fixes
fix model conversion error due to TF 2.3.0 release difference (#3685 ).
fix cumsum and strided slice bugs (#3638 ).
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
fix functions ops summary (#3506 ).
support negative split value (#3482 ).
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
Add NonMaxSuppressionV4 to converter. (#3616 ).
upgrade pylint version for python3 and fix lints (#3556 ).
update the python requirements.txt to set version limit properly (#3523 ).
Implement op dilation2d (#3462 ).
update the model summary tool to check both sub functions (#3481 ).
maintain single id tensor for each tensor list and tensor array (#3479 ).
Node (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
Add tf.image.rotateWithOffset op. (#3560 ).
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
[tfjs-node] Fix bug in node.tensorBoard() callback re initialEpoch (#3714 ).
Add NonMaxSuppressionV4. (#3602 ).
Implement op dilation2d (#3462 ).
Move kernel registration to one file. (#3476 ).
Wasm (2.0.1 ==> 2.1.0)
[wasm] Modularize remaining kernels. (#3663 ).
Change image rotation kernel to be counterclockwise. (#3626 ).
[wasm] Use XNNPACK for PadV2. (#3604 ).
[wasm] Add XNNPACK operators for unary ops (Square, Neg, Abs). (#3598 ).
Add tf.image.rotateWithOffset op. (#3560 ).
[wasm] Use export KernelConfig pattern in WASM. (#3571 ).
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
[wasm] Use clone in transpose. (#3570 ).
[wasm] Add Reverse kernel. (#3526 ).
[core] Remove reshape from tensor / opHandler. (#3514 ).
Modularize stack, unstack, reshape, expandDims, squeeze (#3452 ).
[WASM] Use XNNPack for div (#3480 ). Thanks, @pvaneck .
[wasm] Add Conv2dBackpropInput kernel. (#3472 ).
[WASM] Add OneHot op (#3409 ). Thanks, @pvaneck .
[WASM] Add equal op (#3456 ). Thanks, @pvaneck .
Bug fixes
[wasm] Pass in fusedDepthwiseConv flag when computing conv_info. (#3676 ).
Revive WASM bundle size test. (#3640 ).
Upgrade Emscripten and remove --no-embedded for activation. (#3635 ).
add various op fixes for ddsp models (#3539 ).
add miniprogram entry to package.json file (#3475 ).
[WASM] Update to latest XNNPACK and add Windows benchmarks. (#3459 ).
Modularize fused ops (#3597 ).
modularize unary ops (#3586 ).
Modularize slice ops (#3581 ).
Modularize sign, ceil, floor, neg (#3569 ).
Modularize scatterNd, unsortedSegmentSum & gather. (#3544 ).
Modularize argMax, argMin, min, mean and sum (#3517 ).
Modularize cropAndResize (#3474 ).
Modularise resizeBilinear and resizeNearestNeighbor (#3430 ).
Update monorepo to 2.1.0. (#3730 ).
Use custom docker for tfjs-wasm. (#3720 ).
Use custom docker for tfjs-wasm. (#3710 ).
Add NonMaxSuppressionV4. (#3602 ).
Change to allowlist/denylist. (#3546 ).
Implement op dilation2d (#3462 ).
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