Notepad++ "User Defined Language" (UDL) allows to define rules for specific languages (keywords, comments, etc) See
The following files contains UDL for Telosys files
- telosys-xx-vm-xxx.xml for ".vm" files (templates files)
- telosys-xx-entity-xxx.xml for ".entity" files (entities in DSL model)
In Notepad++ main menu :
Langage > User Defined Language > Define your language...
For each UDL file to install import the UDL file
- Button [ Import... ]
- Choose an ".xml" file provided by Telosys
- If all goes well the message "Import succesful" is displayed
If a previous version is already present remove it before import
Open or re-open files with ".entity" or ".vm" extension to check the coloration.
For UDL documentation see :
Keywords list :
- Keywords1 : Types : int, string, etc (prefix mode = false)
- Keywords2 : Annotations : @Id (prefix mode = false)
- Keywords3 : Annotations : @FK (prefix mode = false)
- Keywords4 : Annotations : all annotations without value (prefix mode = false)
- Keywords5 : Annotations : all annotations with value (prefix mode = false)
- Keywords6 : Tags : starting "#" character with prefix mode = true (for any tags)