Full documentation at: http://fiware-orion.readthedocs.org/en/1.0.0/
NGSIv2 API reference (beta): http://telefonicaid.github.io/fiware-orion/api/v2/
- Add: new value for URI param 'options': unique - like 'values', but avoiding duplicates (Issue #1050)
- Add: PUT /admin/log?level=XXX to change log level in run-time (Issue #1913)
- Add: check min length for IDs in v2 (Issue #1836)
- Fix: over-logging at error level due to not checking field existente in BSON objects
- Fix: aggregating entities without type and type "" in same entry at GET entity types operation
- Fix: DB error relog done at ERROR level (previously it was using WARNING)
- Fix: check for invalid chars in attribute type (Issue #1847, #1844)
- Fix: check for field too long in attribute type (Issue #1845)
- Fix: check for metadatas with empty name (Issue #1438)
- Fix: accepting backslash-slash in JSON v1 payload (Issue #1852)
- Fix: PATCH /v2/entities correct interpretaion of null value and missing type in payload
- Fix: PATCH /v2/entities missing value field (Issue #1789)
- Fix: GET /v2/entities/id/attrs/name/value for type date (Issue #1885)
- Fix: PUT /v2/entities/id/attrs/name/value forbidden chars (JSON) (Issue #1905)
- Fix: PUT /v2/entities/id/attrs/name/value changing type to 'none' (text/plain) (Issue #1904)
- Hardening: use safeMongo get*Field() methods in places not previously using them (mainly in csubs cache library)
- Remove: deprecated functionality related with ONTIMEINTERVAL subscriptions
- Remove: XML support (deprecated functionality) (Issue #1862)