These pronoun emojis where designed specifically for use in a Slack environment but can be used anywhere that custom emoji images can be uploaded.
There are styles to suit Apple style, Google style, and Microsoft style emojis as well as a few simple generic styles (including everyone's favourite font, Comic Sans!). The font matches aren't perfect so if you have some feedback on better font matching, please create an issue or a PR!
Max Masure has a fantastic Medium post on why you should telegraph your preferred pronouns to the world that I high recommend you read.
The tl;dr of Max's post is that sharing your pronouns costs your nothing and can help non-cisgendered people feel more welcome and comfortable sharing theirs.
If you are using these emojis in Slack, simply follow their directions on how to add custom Emojis to your workplace here:
If you are using them elsewhere, they are providing in a variety of sizes and should render well in most environments.
Recommended Slack emoji name :she-her:
Apple | Microsoft | Impact | Impact Round | Comic Sans | |
Some tips on using She/Her pronouns:
Recommended Slack emoji name :he-him:
Apple | Microsoft | Impact | Impact Round | Comic Sans | |
Some tips on using He/Him pronouns:
Recommended Slack emoji name :they-them:
Apple | Microsoft | Impact | Impact Round | Comic Sans | |
Some tips on using They/Them pronouns:
Recommended Slack emoji name :xe-xem:
and :ze-hir:
Apple | Microsoft | Impact | Impact Round | Comic Sans | |
Some tips on using Ze pronouns:
Some tips on understanding neopronouns or pronouns new to you:
Recommended Slack emoji name :ask-me:
and :my-name:
and :any-pronoun:
Apple | Microsoft | Impact | Impact Round | Comic Sans | |
Some tips on asking for pronouns:
If you want to use multiple styles of the emojis on your slack instance, simply add the style to the end of the emoji name. I recommend adding them to the end rather than the beginning to aid in autocomplete when typing emoji names into the message compose field. For example:
can beshe-her-apple
can behe-him-microsoft
can bethey-them-impact-round
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