A demo shopping web app built using React - Visit the Web App (on Desktop)
Sign Up / Sign In using email address and password or google account.
Explore Hats, Jackets, and Sneakers for Women and Men.
Add items to cart
Add/ Remove items from checkout page
Pay using Stripe's test Visa card
React for Component based development
Handling states and props using Redux
React Routers for simple and nested routing
Using middlewares conditionally using process.env.NODE_ENV
Creating selectors and handling updates in global store with minimum re-rendering
Integrating firebase auth and using Google OAuth from firebase for Sign up and Sign in
Using firebase firestore to store user data
Setting up CI/CD for deploying the React app to Azure App Services from GitHub using Azure DevOps Pipelines
Configuring web.config for handling client-side and server-side routings for the React App
Responsive for mobile devices
Clear cart after successful payment
Storing product information on a server
Upgrading Stripe legacy version to a newer one
This project is a part of Complete React Developer in 2021 (w/ Redux, Hooks, GraphQL) course on Udemy by Andrei Neagoie and Yihua Zhang
I created the CI/CD pipeline on Azure DevOps after watching this video on YouTube which is not up to date but gives a clear idea on what to do
Deploying a React App can be frustrating sometimes due to the client-routing errors, but the official create-react-app documentation can make it a piece of cake
It is a small project for learning react, but you can contact me if you...
- ...have some valuable inputs to share
- ...want to work on it
- ...find any bug
- ...want to share a feedback on the work
- ...etc.
Send me a mail at [email protected] or create a new Issue on this repository. You can also contact me through my LinkedIn Profile.
This project is freely available for free non-commercial/ commercial use, and may be redistributed under these conditions. Please, see the license for further details.