kernel_xiaomi_ginkgo Public
Kernel tree for Xiaomi Redmi Note 8/8T (ginkgo/willow)
kernel_xiaomi_sdm845 Public
Kernel tree for Xiaomi SDM845 Based Devices
ha-doppler Public
Forked from pa-innovation/ha-dopplerCustom Home Assistant component for Sandman Doppler clocks
winutil Public
Forked from ChrisTitusTech/winutilChris Titus Tech's Windows Utility - Install Programs, Tweaks, Fixes, and Updates
vcredist Public
Forked from abbodi1406/vcredistAIO Repack for latest Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Runtimes
Forked from abbodi1406/KMS_VL_ALL_AIOSmart Activation Script
OneShot Public
Forked from rofl0r/oneshotRun WPS PIN attacks (Pixie Dust, online bruteforce, PIN prediction) without monitor mode with the wpa_supplicant
mybash Public
Forked from ChrisTitusTech/mybashMy Bash profile - Highly customized Starship Theme - Just imagine Powerlevel10k and Nord Theme had a baby.
AutoRclone Public
Forked from xyou365/AutoRcloneAutoRclone: rclone copy/move/sync (automatically) with thousands of service accounts
NudeNet Public
Forked from drygdryg/NudeNetNeural Nets for Nudity Detection and Censoring