Simple package to handle RSA encryption and decryption algorithm
This PHP library are couples from this php library
If you want to install this library you can install with this command
composer require teguh02/rsa_php
// import autoload
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
// Import the RSA module
use Teguh02\RsaPhp\RSA;
// Define p and q
const P = 61;
const Q = 53;
// Generate the RSA public and private keys
$keys = RSA::generateKeys(P, Q);
// Print the public and private keys
echo "Public key: (" . $keys["public"][0] . ", " . $keys["public"][1] . ")\n";
echo "Private key: (" . $keys["private"][0] . ", " . $keys["private"][1] . ")\n";
// Define the message to be encrypted
$message = "I LOVE YOU";
// Encrypt the message using the public key
$encrypted = RSA::encrypt($message, $keys);
print("Encrypted message: " . join(",", $encrypted) . "\n");
// Decrypt the message using the private key
// $decrypted = RSA::decrypt($encrypted, $keys);
$decrypted = RSA::decrypt('286,2774,83,913,1781,155,2774,206,913,2509', $keys);
print("Decrypted message: " . $decrypted . "\n");