Developer documentation can be found at
- File
- Load Parameters - Loads panel from a .pan/.arr pair. Both files must have the same name and be in the same directory.
- Save Parameters - Saves panel to a .pan/.arr pair.
- Export Channel Config - Deprecated. Writes analog and digital channel settings to a text file.
- Export Panel - Writes analog and digital cell values to a text file for use in an external program. Skips columns with negative time. A column with a time of zero marks the end of a page.
- Export Panel and Launch Python - Writes analog and digital cell values to a temporary text file and opens it in the Python plotter.
- Exit - Exits the program.
- Settings
- Analog Settings - Makes changes to analog lines, including channel number, name, units, and voltage limits. Must click Allow Changes to enable editing and Set Changes for each line.
- Digital Settings - Makes changes to digital lines, including channel number and name. Channels 1-32 refer to channels 1-32 on the first digital I/O card (labeled 1-32), and channels 101-132 refer to channels 1-32 on the second digital I/O card (labeled 33-64). Must click Allow Changes to enable editing and Set Changes for each line.
- Reboot ADwin - Reuploads the ADwin program and bootloader to the ADwin.
- Clear Panel - Resets all cells to zero.
- Scan Setup - Opens the scan setup panel.
- Edit
- Note: All of these require a cell in the time table to be selected.
- Insert Column - Inserts an empty column at the selected position. The last column on the page will be lost.
- Delete Column - Deletes the column at the selected position and moves the following columns to the left.
- Copy Column - Copies the column at the selected position.
- Paste Column - Pastes the column to the selected position.
- Preferences
- Use Compression - When generating ADwin tables, replace consecutive zeros with a negative integer representing the number of zeros. Greatly reduces the final size of the ADwin tables, leave on unless you have good reason not to.
- Use Simple Timing - When calculating analog outputs, ignores the timescale parameter and treats the full cell as the timescale. Leave on unless you have good reason not to.
- Right-click to rename the page.
- Double-click to change the cell's value. On the analog table, this opens a settings window. On the digital table, this toggles the cell.
- Right-click -> Copy - Copies the value of the highlighted cell.
- Right-click -> Paste - Pastes the copied value into all highlighted cells.
- Right-click -> Load Values to generate scan values.
- For whatever reason, redrawing the GUI takes significant time while repeat mode is active. This results in delays between cycles. This can be mitigated by minimizing the interface to skip redrawing the GUI.
- On Windows, use Win+Shift+S to quickly take screengrabs.