- 1469029 fix: computed fields as inputs (#1717)
- 7afcd6d fix: required computed fields and deferred null constraint (#1716)
- deca7de fix: bug with computed and one to one (#1715)
- 417c214 fix: schema validations for computed expressions and nullables (#1714)
- 600a920 fix: duration compatibility with cel
- 715e890 fix: merge conflicts rebasing
- 02662e3 feat: computed fields support for functions and one to many relationship lookups (#1711)
- f5cee9a fix: default cannot be used on computed fields (#1708)
- 9d5d45d feat: recompute existing data (#1707)
- 93be98e feat: computed fields and many to one relationships (#1704)
- 3b24a8d feat: @computed fields on the same model (#1686)
- 4aff504 feat: expressions validation and evaluation with cel