Packages required: python -m pip install apache-beam[gcp]==2.46.0 python -m pip install google-cloud-storage==2.8.0 python -m pip install pymongo==3.9.0 python -m pip install pymongo[srv] python -m pip install pandas==1.5.3 python -m pip install mysql-connector-python==8.0.33 python -m pip install pycryptodome==3.17 python -m pip install google-cloud-secret-manager==2.16.1
setup: python install
mongodb_to_gcs template build: This template is to read the data from mongodb and write it in GCS bucket. Data is in form of json(one line one json.) or csv python -m source_to_gcs --runner DataflowRunner --project playground-375318 --staging_location gs://bronze-poc-group/staging --temp_location gs://bronze-poc-group/temp --template_location gs://bronze-poc-group/templates/mongodb_to_gcs --region US --config_file config\mongodb_to_gcs_config.json --setup_file ./ --save_main_session
mysql_to_gcs template build: This template is to read the data from mysql and write it in GCS bucket. Data is in form of json(one line one json.) or csv python -m source_to_gcs --runner DataflowRunner --project playground-375318 --staging_location gs://bronze-poc-group/staging --temp_location gs://bronze-poc-group/temp --template_location gs://bronze-poc-group/templates/mysql_to_gcs --region US --config_file config\mysql_to_gcs_config.json --setup_file ./ --save_main_session
gcs_to_bq_json template build: This template is to read the data from gcs bucket json data(json- one line one json or csv) and write it in existing bigquery table python -m gcs_to_bq --runner DataflowRunner --project playground-375318 --staging_location gs://bronze-poc-group/staging --temp_location gs://bronze-poc-group/temp --template_location gs://bronze-poc-group/templates/gcs_to_bq --region US --config_file config\gcs_to_bq_config.json --setup_file ./ --save_main_session
gcs_to_bq_config.json label= <source_name><bq_table_name><source_table_name> eg. source is MongoDB, bq_table_name is mongodb_users and source_table_name is users then label= mongodb_mongodb_users_users Every label in this file should have entry in transformation_rules.json
transformation_rules.json Keys in this config file are equal to label.upper() from gcs_to_bq_config.json
Execute code in gcloud shell: gcloud dataflow jobs run mysql_to_gcs --gcs-location gs://bronze-poc-group/templates/mysql_to_gcs --region us-central1 --num-workers 2 --staging-location gs://bronze-poc-group/temp/ --additional-experiments use_portable_job_submission