This is a simple javascript library for validating driving license numbers. Currently only the United States is supported, however we may in future add support for additional countries.
To use do the following
Include the dlnvalidator.js file in your HTML page.
<script src="dlnvalidator.js"></script>
To validate a driver license you call the validator like this:
dlnValidator.isValid('US','CA', 'a1234567')
- The first argument is the ISO 2 or ISO 3 character country code.
- The second argument is the region the license is for. In the U.S. this will be the 2 character state.
- The third argument is the driving license number
- The validator will return true if valid, false if invalid and raise an exception if given an unsupported country and/or region.
A large series of tests are implemented in tests.html using QUnit. You can also refer to this file for examples of how to use this validator.
Licensed under the MIT license.