Releases: team401/Nickleback-2023
Releases · team401/Nickleback-2023
Rumble in the Roads Release - 1.0
What's Changed
- Adds CI to the project by @jkleiber in #4
- b robot wrist by @minhnguyenbhs in #9
- merging intake + mode progress by @minhnguyenbhs in #13
- Drive commands by @TheLumpiest in #11
- B team sparktalon drive by @minhnguyenbhs in #20
- Robot container by @AlexEvergarden in #21
- B team intake by @Bread-n-Butter06 in #23
- B team mode by @minhnguyenbhs in #25
- Victor motors by @AlexEvergarden in #31
- Robot configuration by @minhnguyenbhs in #24
- Controller configuration by @wrob3rts in #32
- add arm set points by @Bread-n-Butter06 in #35
- (#41) Intake restore by @linglejack06 in #48
- Swerve Drive (maybe) by @AlexEvergarden in #46
- Swerve odometry (maybe) by @minhnguyenbhs in #49
- update constants according to arm-with-roller branch by @linglejack06 in #50
- Swerve drive integration by @AlexEvergarden in #53
- replacement basic auto by @minhnguyenbhs in #54
New Contributors
- @jkleiber made their first contribution in #4
- @minhnguyenbhs made their first contribution in #9
- @TheLumpiest made their first contribution in #11
- @AlexEvergarden made their first contribution in #21
- @Bread-n-Butter06 made their first contribution in #23
- @wrob3rts made their first contribution in #32
- @linglejack06 made their first contribution in #48
Full Changelog: