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Can I add my own commands?

Tien Dat Pham edited this page Jul 28, 2023 · 6 revisions

Absolutely yes!

Nameless*:tm: is a source-code-based bot, so the entire code is yours!

Method 1: Create your own Cog file

To create a set of commands (which we will refer as Cog by then), simply create a Python file with name ended with Cog, of course with extension .py - for example: then put it in the cogs directory.

Template code

You can use this as your starting point!

from discord.ext import commands

from nameless import Nameless, shared_vars
from NamelessConfig import NamelessConfig

class HelloWorld(commands.Cog):
    @app_commands.guilds(*getattr(NamelessConfig, "GUILDS", []))
    async def hello_there(self, ctx: commands.Context):
        """Sends a lovely 'Hello'"""
        await ctx.send("Hello {} o/")

async def setup(bot: Nameless):
    await bot.add_cog(HelloWorld(bot))"Cog of %s added!", __name__)

async def teardown(bot: Nameless):
    await bot.remove_cog("HelloWorld")
    logging.warning("Cog of %s removed!", __name__)

Method 2: Use provided script

The script is located here: tools/

python tools/ [your-cog-name-without-Cog]

example: python tools/ Maimai

Add to the main config

COGS = [
    "HelloWorld",  # Just put the ENTIRE FILE NAME without the '', we don't provide support for

Known issues

  • Command duplication - your command appears twice when using it as a slash command: read this!

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