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send bot start message

Alexey Kravtsov edited this page May 19, 2020 · 1 revision

libtd-ktx / kotlinx.telegram.coroutines / sendBotStartMessage


suspend fun TelegramFlow.sendBotStartMessage(botUserId: Int, chatId: Long, parameter: String?): Message

Suspend function, which invites a bot to a chat (if it is not yet a member) and sends it the /start command. Bots can't be invited to a private chat other than the chat with the bot. Bots can't be invited to channels (although they can be added as admins) and secret chats. Returns the sent message.


botUserId - Identifier of the bot.

chatId - Identifier of the target chat.

parameter - A hidden parameter sent to the bot for deep linking purposes (

Return Message Describes a message.

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