This project is a Spring Boot Starter for QStash. It provides a simple way to integrate QStash into your Spring Boot application. It supports Scheduled, Listener and Client.
- Spring Boot 3.0.0 or later
- Java 21 or later
- org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web for
Add the following dependency to your pom.xml
Add the following properties to your application.yaml
apiKey: <your-qstash-api-key>
appEndpoint: <your-app-endpoint>
# <your-app-endpoint> => if prod environment then use prod endpoint
# IF u are using localhost then use tunnel like ngrok.
# for more info visit qstash docs How to section
Enable Annotation in your Spring Boot Application:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
import com.beyt.upstash.model.SendProperties;
public class MyService {
private QStashClient qStashClient;
public void sendQueueMessage(String queueName, Object payload) {
qStashClient.enqueueMessage(QUEUE_NAME, payload, SendProperties.builder().build());
System automatically sync listeners when app started. When message comes then system automatically call the method.
When u send message like qStashClient.enqueueMessage("my-queue", payload, SendProperties.builder().build());
then system automatically call the method with payload.
import com.beyt.upstash.annotation.QStashListener;
public class MyListener {
@QStashListener(queueName = "my-queue")
public void onMessage(Object payload) {
// process the message
System automatically sync schedules when app started. When trigger schedule then system automatically call the method.
import com.beyt.upstash.annotation.QStashScheduler;
public class MyScheduler {
@QStashSchedule(scheduleName = SCHEDULE_NAME, cron = "* * * * *")
public void schedule() {
// process the message
Apache License 2.0
- Complete Client
- Create Listener system
- create QStashSchduler annotation (when app started then automatic sync schedules)
- create test
- listen and schedule method find operation make best practice
- Batch requests support
- dead letter queue listener support if exists
- Extend QStashClient for more operations
- update