A desktop application based on the Electron framework using Three.js as the renderer and WebSocket to communicate. Uses data from clients to visualize and interact with a game. Using an AI system the turtles can do complex tasks.
Paste this as startup
pastebin get DGZejmGJ startup
As far as I know in the Fabric Version 1.100.8 interaction with the outputs of furnaces are not working with turtles so as of recent I am now developing on Forge 1.19.2
-Remote control
-Inventory sorting
-Inventory management
-Saving and Loading
-Building blueprints
-CLEAN THE CODE - Removing unecessary functions, weird variable and function names, no returns, parameters, shared code
-Split up the functions into more files, make variables shared between files accessible in a better manner
-Lower the amount of imports used
-Split the code into more functions
-Implement exceptions
-Error handling
-Go over Pathfinding, problem in there with blockPlacedByTurtle I believe
-Furnace usage
-Tree farming
-Hive AI
-Make it easier for this server to not be local
-Optimize pathfinding some more
-Multi threads(So the main thread doesn't pause on execution and allow turtles to execute fatser)
-On WebSocket request send an id that is expected back rather than keeping a boolean to see if the turtle is busy, allows for multiple turtles to execute at once
-Rotation offset
-Other peripherals
-Turtle logins
-Redstone interaction
This is crazy but heres the plan https://docs.google.com/document/d/1a4ert9upmV6r99dBzyar_n_ZdZ_TYz9vZFOH0HqIWp4/edit?usp=sharing