A example repo to demonstrate how to host xaringan slides on github page
- Create a repo(Or clone this one) with xaringan slide and the following files:
- xaringan_example.rmd, your xaringan slide
- index.md, for the homepage of github page, see the index.md for an example.
- In rstudio, knit the xaringan slides.
- Push everything to github
- Setup github pages:
-Github Pages
-source: master branch
, (Optional: choose a jekyll theme) - Done, the slides can be viewed online at
For example
- The URL for this xaringan_example slide is at: https://tcgriffith.github.io/xaringan_gh/xaringan_example
- I embedded the xaringan slide into the github page(index.md). Using this method you could embed the slide in a blogdown post as well.(
Or if you are creative, embed it into another xaringan slide recursively and get your own russian doll
I've recently learned a few more things about xaringan/gh pages/jekyll so it's time to simplify the process to deploy xaringan on gh pages.