add-on utility for simple python apps to use sqlite as storage and google sheets as user interface
see below for user data configuration from non-default directory
configure service account for google sheets api search online sources for steps to setup a service account example: robocorp article: how to read from and write into Google Sheets for your robots
take note of your service account client_secret.json and client_email
install the module into your python project from the github repository url using pip
pip install git+
upload the client_secret.json to your sqlgsheet package instance. you only need to do this once.
(venv) >python -m sqlgsheet.database load_client_secret
or to specify a path other than the default 'client_secret.json' from the working diectory :
(venv) >python -m sqlgsheet.database load_client_secret <path to client secret file>
create your google spreadsheet
demo sheet myapp
take note of
- the workbookId, read from the url ../spreadsheets/d/workbookId
- the ranges of interest and give them names
grant write access to your service account
select share and add your client_email with write priviledges for your sheet
configure your gsheet_config.json file to match your spreadsheet
For details see the demo project \myapp and sample
run from terminal
run from python interpreter
import myapp
load from gsheet into pandas DataFrame form
from sqlgsheet import database as db
form = db.get_sheet('myapp', 'form')
post to gsheet from pandas DataFrame form_responses
from sqlgsheet import database as db
form_responses = db.get_sheet('myapp', 'form')
records = db.get_sheet('myapp', 'records')
records = records.append(form_responses)
db.post_to_gsheet(records, 'myapp', 'records', input_option='USER_ENTERED')
##sqlite features to be elaborated in future version of the documentation##
sample client_secret.json
{ "type": "service_account", "project_id": "helvasheets", "private_key_id": "###", "private_key": "###", "client_email": "[email protected]", "client_id": int, "auth_uri": "", "token_uri": "", "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "", "client_x509_cert_url": "" }
sample gsheet_config
{ "myapp": { "wkbid": "1T8JCGdsTAjr8820l-iSHKnPlZFM2C7MKDLQLcoQA-sk", "sheets": { "config": { "data": "config!A2:D", "header": "config!A1:D1" }, "records": { "data": "records!A2:C", "header": "records!A1:C1", "data_types": { "date": "date", "parameter": "str", "value": "float" } }, "form": { "data": "form!A3:C", "header": "form!A2:C2", "data_types": { "date": "date", "parameter": "str", "value": "float" } } } } }
For some use cases, such as with use in AWS lambda, you need to set user data from a custom directory location other than the runtime directory.
before calling any methods from, first run .set_user_data() and specify the full path to the user data files identified with keywords.
for details refer to the issue database sync
for two identical dataset schemas,one MASTER and one SLAVE, whose unique columns are identified by some column_subset and contain a last_updated field:
the database sync will
- compare the two datasets and
- merges updates from the SLAVE to the MASTER
- update the SLAVE to match the master
- with the conditions that
- rows can only be deleted from the MASTER
- rows can be added or updated in either the MASTER or the SLAVE
The user specifies the database sync settings with a dbsync_config.json file
"master": {
"db_type": "sqlite",
"database": "sqlite:///myapp.db"
"slave": {
"db_type": "mysql",
"database": "hours",
"host": "",
"login": "mysql+pymysql://{user}:{pw}@{db}",
"username": "admin",
"password": "P@ssword"
"tables": {
"last_modified": "last_modified",
"event": {
"key": [
To run the sync, use the sqlgsheet.sync module
from sqlgsheet import sync
sync.db_connect() # optional, first part of sync.update()
Alternatively, you can use the command line interface
(env) >python -m sqlgsheet.sync update dbsync_config.json