The Treasure Trove Hidden in Plain Sight: The Utility of GPT-4 in Chest Radiograph Evaluation
The software is developed in Python 3.8.
Main Python modules required for the software can be installed from ./requirements:
$ conda env create -f requirements.yaml
$ conda activate radada
Note: This might take a few minutes.
Our source code is available here.
- ./ includes all the training and alysis codes.
- ./ includes all the statistical analysis and evaluation metrics.
S. Tayebi Arasteh, R. Siepmann, M. Huppertz, et al. The Treasure Trove Hidden in Plain Sight: The Utility of GPT-4 in Chest Radiograph Evaluation. 2024.
@article {radada_arasteh,
author = {Tayebi Arasteh, Soroosh and Siepmann, Robert and Huppertz, Marc and Lotfinia, Mahshad and Puladi, Behrus and Kuhl, Christiane and Truhn, Daniel and Nebelung, Sven},
title = {The Treasure Trove Hidden in Plain Sight: The Utility of GPT-4 in Chest Radiograph Evaluation},
year = {2024},