- implement Classify API
- Drill through all the easy problems + start medium level ones
- The Odin Project + Mozilla documentation on web development fundamentals + server-side in depth
- set up Django Backend
- implemented an external API to see if backend setup will work with the Classify API
- Practice problems on AlgoExpert
- set up local development
- solved CORS issue
- set up basic pagination (featured is not being implemented in the end)
- learn JavaScript through the Odin Project to be able to contribute to this project
- Django tutorials - Corey Shafer
- set up Django Backend for [[Book recommendation system]]
- Spring -> Django Migration
- run python script from Spring
- test case
file - return
which is the output fromProcessBuilder
java class
- test case
- move nested books from
- remove nested books from
entirely bookcategory/4,5,6
to see all books within these categories
- remove nested books from
- how to batch upload books for POST method
- create a bookcategory_id to generate unique ids
- update database schema to show how backend works
- Chapter 5 - Runestone Book
- algo expert - 20 questions completed
- set up mySQL locally
- upload script and create a username to access data
- create Subcategory table
- set up Postman
- add data to books table
- test out Bing's code
- figure out contribution in github (git theory)
- create User table + all it's properties
- Work with (front end) for User-history API
- pull from deploy and test
- simplify database with Category <--> Book relationship (Many to Many)
- Create relationship User <--> User history (Many to Many)
- generate Mock data using a Python webscrapper
- Deploy app on server
- execute jar file
- learn spring boot
- fix bugs on intelligentdocumentclassifier for the back-end part
- No bugs
- connect with front end to migrate intelligentdocumentclassifier to new angular uploader which will replace
- Completed more effectively by someone else on the team
- My work still needed to deploy both front and back end separately to connect the two
- Theory: Codebasics - Data Structures & Algorithms in Python playlist
- went through all major concepts through the Python DS book
- Volunteer Project
- python data extraction
- [[Java]] uploader
- Maven
- Spring
- Angular (run)
- Practice: Tiny Python Projects book: 1st half
- Practice: Thredup project
- Inputs
- url
- number of pages
- file name
use classes?
- Inputs
- Install Docker
- Docker Compose
- upload to Github
- Learning Plan
- Data Structures exercises
- Tiny Python projects - my solutions
- Codebasics - Data Structures & Algorithms in Python get started on playlist
- Learn what these do
- Azure
- Spark
- Python gaps
- classes (learning through Linked Lists practice)
- ODSC Conference Thursday + Friday
- resume for career fair - Saturday
- apply to jobs + internships
- SQL refresher - Data36
- Leetcode practice - Python
- ODSC scholarship application
- ODSC registration for all events
- organize all files according to How to Organize Your Data Science Project
- basic webscrape COMPLETED!
- scrape ~1000 items
- Clean up all code
- created a kanban board - all todos have migrated to the github project page
- Updated README file on Github for latest todo
- Thredup project
- clean-up Obsidian notes
- create a copy of a Github folder that syncs md file with Obsidian's file (don't want to keep copies at two locations
- push to Github (code + md notes)
- Anki
- Git cards - push, pull, etc.
- Website
- fix site
- ideas: menu, posts, layout
- Org-Roam
- Test out 2nd Org-Roam installation on separate conda environment
- Guide to Installation: complete
- Linux
- Anki
- conda env for thredup project
- update migration to Linux page
- Thredup up project
- finish all functions
- rest of the functions to be used later - also worked on them
- Dual Boot Laptop - oh boy!
- Figure out environments: conda and homebrew
- Experiment with installations with homebrew, then conda on other Linux distro - didn't use conda
- Thredup Webscrape:
- links
- combine links with href header: thredup.com
- split urls for different clothing categories
- realized: cannot scrape for categories within "all petite" items
- multiple functions
- links
- DS setups + those who do both DS + side projects
- Work on Thredup Page
- ideas: entire python library + build database using all petite items
- web scrapper for pulling non-polyester items stopped working
- web scrapper for pulling 100% linen items - use database instead
- web scrapper for building a database start
- pull links for the main pages - won't work with bs4, due to website layout. Not all href's are able to be pulled + random hrefs for products get pulled. Need to you XML formatting
- yank all hrefs/page - not anymore
- selenium to move to the next pages - not anymore
- pull links for the main pages - won't work with bs4, due to website layout. Not all href's are able to be pulled + random hrefs for products get pulled. Need to you XML formatting
- Get Doom Emacs
- Purchase computer accessories for working at home
- Acer One laptop:
- attempt clean-up
- wipe out system
- Fix thredup code
- move over any "Spotify Project" related files from host to guest OS
- move over simplified version of Digital Ocean files
- debugging
- Digital Ocean:
- sort through all files
- organize
- download
- delete - will cancel credit card
- LinkedIn - update all work description
- Feynman | DS concepts for Classification:
- AUC curve
- Feynman | DS concepts for Regression
- create a map for all concepts so far + tangents to see what directions I've been going in
- start Thred-up ML project - 1 hour
- start community involvement project
- Anki: map, filter, reduce and lambda:
- definition
- syntax
- example
- Anki | python code in DS | 20 cards
- Feynman | DS concepts for Classification:
- Confusion Matrix
- Accuracy
- Precision & Recall
- F1 Score
- Harmonic Mean (from F1 score)
- F$\beta$-score (from F1 score)
- Sensitivity & Specificity
- ROC Curve
- Ultralearning review + update (mid year evaluation)
- Notes | scikit learn
- download RESULTER extension for google search shortcuts
- increase storage again - new way for Ubuntu 20.04
- reinstall Ubuntu after expanding hard drive mistake
- VS code: basic debugging
- VS code won't run Python - how to enable?
- access shared folder between host and guest systems
- Ideas vomit for open source projects: education (The Prize), government, businesses (Amazon → buying locally) Open Source Projects
- Will Athens be using Emacs? - nope
- change default environment to
- don't think you can
- delete XUbuntu
- Install Ubuntu
- Install VirtualBox Guest Additions - automatically adjust resolution (to match host) + shared clipboard and drag and drop between host and guest systems
- Slow Ubuntu - wrong ISO mounted, reinstalled just incase
- Install miniconda + conda onto Virtual Box
- create environment
- Organize environments + GitHub folders problem arose from VS Code not being able to find pydub (installed in a different folder using conda than where pip was installing)
- no longer use Spotify's API
- run Remixatron on command line - won't run because of pygame
- embed client ID into jupyter notebook
- audio analysis (audio from youtube) using Spotify's API
- identify beat breakdown for Daechiwita + DNA. Didn't work since I was downloading music from YouTube and using Spotify's analysis on it
- switch from jupyter lab to VS Code VS code can run notebooks!
- widget for jupyter notebook to play 2 audio samples (downloaded from youtube?)
- created separate page for the 'Daechwita —> DNA' project
- beats and tempos match! extracted from dict in analysis
- most code uses javascript with html + css (makes sense) with the spotify API
- discovered lots of resources, for python as well
- The Autocanonizer source: youtube
- Spotify audio analysis source: spotify track plays locally on desktop while song bar progresses on the web browser
- EternalJukebox - better README notes + is more updated than autocanonizer
- Youtube-dl - command-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and a few more sites
- Discovered Remixatron on AlternativeTo
- forced myself to learn git to download and play around on the command line
- Virtual box vs. SSH?
- Remixatron is giving array allocation errors. Code it myself!
- Led Zeppelin project - documentation
- Led Zeppelin project - define objective
- pull + sort albums from given artist
- Interview questions - 1 hour per day
- Data Science assignment
- How to solidify Python?
- redirect URL to notion or redirect from WordPress site itself
- Create word/pdf resume
- search for jobs
- cover letters
- job applications
- Website
- Resume
- Portfolio
- Completed Complete Machine Learning and Data Science: Zero to Mastery on Udemy.
- Time: 1 month to complete
- Also understand Python fundamentals better
- organize DS/ML documentation - majority
- Python videos - basically finishes up the whole course
- Worked on Machine Learning and Data Science: Zero to Mastery on Udemy.
- Learned Github fundamentals - create respositories, push, pull
- Edited projects + updated profile
- Updated LinkedIn
- started working on website and resume
- organized all notes
- Discovered new resources on 3/25/20:
- Titanic data - completed seaborn (graphing + plotting) + SciKit (machine learning model, random forests)
- Looked at “titanic-start-here-a-gentle-introduction” on kaggle and didn’t understand the statistics (Logistic Regression)
- Discovered on YouTube: Daniel Bourke’s code with me and codebasics’ machine learning playlist (learned about logistic regression)
- Statistics for Data Science | Probability and Statistics - for overview/introduction
- Completed Probability and Statistics for Business and Data Science on Udemy.
- Time: 1 week to complete
- Pull Spotify features + analysis from Spotify's API using spotipy
- Thredup webscrapping python code
- Real Estate webscrapping python code
- Python - Automate the boring stuff (first half of Udemy course)
- The Odin Project - started it off
- Data 36 - SQL practice
- Codewars - python + SQL practice
- SQL - interview questions