- 支持认证
- 代理列表优选策略:随机、或延时前多少位随机
.\rotateproxy.exe -h
Usage of rotateproxy.exe:
-check string
check url (default "https://www.google.com")
-checkWords string
words in check url (default "Copyright The Closure Library Authors")
-email string
email address
-l string
listen address (default ":8899")
-page int
the page count you want to crawl (default 5)
-pass string
authentication password
-proxy string
-region int
0: all 1: cannot bypass gfw 2: bypass gfw
-rule string
search rule (default "protocol==\"socks5\" && \"Version:5 Method:No Authentication(0x00)\" && after=\"2022-02-01\" && country=\"CN\"")
-strategy int
0: random, 1: Select the one with the shortest timeout, 2: Select the two with the shortest timeout, ... (default 3)
-token string
-user string
authentication username
go get -u github.com/akkuman/rotateproxy/cmd/...
curl -L -o rotateproxy 'https://github.com/akkuman/rotateproxy/releases/latest/download/rotateproxy-linux-amd64'
chmod +x ./rotateproxy
- 下载相关文件
curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/rotateproxy 'https://github.com/akkuman/rotateproxy/releases/latest/download/rotateproxy-linux-amd64'
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/rotateproxy
curl -L -o /usr/lib/systemd/system/rotateproxy.service 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/akkuman/rotateproxy/master/rotateproxy.service.example'
- 查看 rotateproxy.service.example 文件示例,将
的命令替换为你自己的命令 - 启动服务
# 开启服务
service rotateproxy start
# 关闭服务
service rotateproxy stop
# 重启服务
service rotateproxy restart
# 设置开机自启动
systemctl enable rotateproxy.service
- 使用
https_proxy=socks5://{ip}:{port} curl https://example.com
brew install FiloSottile/musl-cross/musl-cross
cd cmd/rotateproxy
CC=x86_64-linux-musl-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static"