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Amazon Pay SDK (C#)

Amazon Pay API Integration


  • Amazon Pay account - Register here
  • .NET 2.0 or higher
  • Newtonsoft.json (JSON.NET)


  • The Integration steps can be found here


  • View the sample integration demo here

Quick Start

Instantiating the client: Client takes in parameters in the following format

  1. Configuration class object
  2. Path to the JSON file containing configuration information.

Installing using nuget

Install-Package AmazonPay

Directory Structure

Folder PATH listing       
|       Common.Logging.dll
|       config.json
|       Json.txt
|       Newtonsoft.Json.dll
|       nunit.framework.dll
|       AmazonPay.dll
|       TestResult.xml
|       UnitTests.dll
|   |   Client.cs
|   |   Constants.cs
|   |   HttpImpl.cs
|   |   IpnHandler.cs
|   |   NestedJsonToDictionary.cs
|   |   AmazonPay.csproj
|   |   region.Designer.cs
|   |   Regions.cs
|   |   ResponseParser.cs
|   |   packages.config
|   |   Signature.cs
|   |   SanitizeData.cs     
|   +---ProviderCreditRequests
|   |       GetProviderCreditDetailsRequest.cs
|   |       GetProviderCreditReversalDetailsRequest.cs
|   |       ReverseProviderCreditRequest.cs
|   |       
|   +---RecurringPaymentRequests
|   |       AuthorizeOnBillingAgreementRequest.cs
|   |       CloseBillingAgreementRequest.cs
|   |       ConfirmBillingAgreementRequest.cs
|   |       CreateOrderReferenceForIdRequest.cs
|   |       GetBillingAgreementDetailsRequest.cs
|   |       SetBillingAgreementDetailsRequest.cs
|   |       ValidateBillingAgreementRequest.cs
|   |       
|   +---Responses
|   |       AuthorizeResponse.cs
|   |       BillingAddressDetails.cs
|   |       BillingAgreementDetailsResponse.cs
|   |       CancelOrderReferenceResponse.cs
|   |       CaptureResponse.cs
|   |       CloseAuthorizationResponse.cs
|   |       CloseBillingAgreementResponse.cs
|   |       CloseOrderReferenceResponse.cs
|   |       ConfirmBillingAgreementResponse.cs
|   |       ConfirmOrderReferenceResponse.cs
|   |       ErrorResponse.cs
|   |       GetProviderCreditDetailsResponse.cs
|   |       GetProviderCreditReversalDetailsResponse.cs
|   |       GetServiceStatusResponse.cs
|   |       OrderReferenceDetailsResponse.cs
|   |       PaymentDetailsResponse.cs
|   |       RefundResponse.cs
|   |       ValidateBillingAgreementResponse.cs
|   |       
|   \---StandardPaymentRequests
|           AuthorizeRequest.cs
|           CancelOrderReferenceRequest.cs
|           CaptureRequest.cs
|           ChargeRequest.cs
|           CloseAuthorizationRequest.cs
|           CloseOrderReferenceRequest.cs
|           ConfirmOrderReferenceRequest.cs
|           GetAuthorizationDetailsRequest.cs
|           GetCaptureDetailsRequest.cs
|           GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest.cs
|           GetRefundDetailsRequest.cs
|           RefundRequest.cs
|           SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest.cs
    |   App.config
    |   AuthorizeNotification.json
    |   config.json
    |   Json.txt
    |   packages.config
    |   AmazonPayUnitTests.cs
    |   UnitTests.csproj

Parameters List

Mandatory Parameters

Parameter Json file Key name Values
Merchant Id merchant_id Default : null
Access Key access_key Default : null
Secret Key secret_key Default : null
Region region Default : null
Other: us,de,uk,jp

Optional Parameters

Parameter Json file Key name Values
Currency Code currency_code Default : null
Environment sandbox Default : false
Other: true
Platform ID platform_id Default : null
CA Bundle File cabundle_file Default : null
Application Name application_name Default : null
Application Version application_version Default : null
Proxy Host proxy_host Default : null
Proxy Port proxy_port Default : -1
Proxy Username proxy_username Default : null
Proxy Password proxy_password Default : null
LWA Client ID client_id Default : null
Auto Retry On Throttle auto_retry_on_throttle Default : true
Other: false

Setting Configuration

Setting configuration while instantiating the Client object

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

// Your Amazon Pay keys are available in your Seller Central account

// Configuration class object
Configuration config = new Configuration();
	/* Supported regions are mentioned in the Regions class and accessed by the enum supportedRegions. 
	 * Example for 'us' is shown below

// Or you can also provide a JSON file path which has the above configuration information in JSON format
string config = "PATH_TO_JSON_FILE\filename.fileextension";

// Instantiate the client class with the config type
Client client = new Client(config);

Setting configuration while instantiating the Client object with Json file

  • key names for json are mentioned in the table Parameters List
  • keys are not case sensitive, Ex merchant_id can also be named as Merchant_ID
  • The full path with the file name that has correct readbale permissions should be provided to the client class constructor
// Your AmazonPay keys are available in your Seller Central account
// Sample Json file input
	// Required parameters
	"merchant_id": "YOUR_MERCHANT_ID",
	"access_key": "YOUR_ACCESS_KEY",
	"secret_key": "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
	"region": "REGION",
	"sandbox": true,
	// Optional parameters
	"currency_code": "CURRENCY_CODE",
	"client_id": "",
	"application_name": "sdk testing",
	"application_version": "1.0",
	"proxy_host": null,
	"proxy_port": -1,
	"proxy_username": null,
	"proxy_password": null
	"auto_retry_on_throttle": true
using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

string config = "PATH_TO_JSON_FILE\filename.FileExtension";

// Instantiate the client class with the Json file path
Client client = new Client(config);

Testing in Sandbox Mode

The sandbox parameter defaults to false if not specified

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

Configuration config = new Configuration();

Client client = new Client(config);

Making an API Call

Below is an example on how to make the GetOrderReferenceDetails API call

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using Newtonsoft.json;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

// STEP 1 : Create the object of the GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest class to add the parameters for the API call
GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest requestParameters = new GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest();

// AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID is obtained from the Amazon Pay Address/Wallet widgets
// ACCESS_TOKEN is obtained from the GET parameter from the URL.

// Required Parameter

// Optional Parameters

/* STEP 2 : Making the API call by passing in the GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest object i.e requestParameters from step 1.
 * response here is the object of the GetOrderReferenceDetailsResponse class
OrderReferenceDetailsResponse getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse = client.GetOrderReferenceDetails(requestParameters);

// Getting response variables
// Variable values can be obtained directly from the OrderReferenceDetailsResponse object received from making the API call in step 2

// Check if the API call was successful
bool isGetOrderReferenceDetailsSuccess = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetSuccess(); 
		// Getting the XML Response
		string xml = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetXml();
		// Json Response
		string json = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetJson();
		// Dictionary
		Dictionary<string, object> dictionary = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetDict();
		// Getting individual variable values that is parsed in the Response class
		string amazonOrderReferenceId = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetAmazonOrderReferenceId();
		// Checking if any constraints on the Amazon OrderReference ID exist in the response for which an action should be taken.
			List<string> constraintIdList = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetConstraintIdList();
			List<string> constraintDescriptionList = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetDescriptionList();
		string errorCode = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetErrorCode();
		string ErrorMessage = getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse.GetErrorMessage();

See the OrderReferenceDetailsResponse section for all the parameters returned.

  • Similarly other API calls can be made. sections for Request classes for the required API calls.
  • Pass the created Request object to the respective API function in the class Client.cs
  • The Response object returned will be specefic to the API call made. See API call functions in Client.cs for the return type.
  • Response classes contain the variables and their Getters.
  • Each Response class provides XML response via responseObject.GetXml(), Json Response via responseObject.GetJson() and Dictionary<string,object> via responseObject.GetDict().

Setting the Amount parameter

For API calls that need the Amount parameter, the type of the amount parameter is decimal

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using Newtonsoft.json;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

Configuration config = new Configuration();

Client client = new Client(config);

// Example SetOrderReferenceDetails API call
// Creating the SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest object
SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest requestParameters = new SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest();

// If the amount type was a string or a non decimal value type, 
// convert it into decimal type.

// Also in general decimal values can be directly passed by

// Making the SetOrderReferenceDetails API call 
OrderReferenceDetailsResponse setOrderReferenceDetailsResponse = client.SetOrderReferenceDetails(requestParameters);

Setting the Currency Code parameter

For API calls that need the currency code parameter, there are two ways to set it

Setting it in the configuration class object globally

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using Newtonsoft.json;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

Configuration config = new Configuration();

Client client = new Client(config);

Setting it while making the API call

This takes priority over setting it globally. If this is not set via the following way the global value is taken.

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using Newtonsoft.json;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

Configuration config = new Configuration();

Client client = new Client(config);

// Creating the SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest object
SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest requestParameters = new SetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest();

// Making the SetOrderReferenceDetails API call 
OrderReferenceDetailsResponse setOrderReferenceDetailsResponse = client.SetOrderReferenceDetails(requestParameters);

IPN Handling

  1. To receive IPN's successfully you will need an valid SSL on your domain.
  2. You can set up your Notification endpoints in Seller Central by accessing the Integration Settings page in the Settings tab.
  3. IpnHandler.cs class handles verification of the source and the data of the IPN

In your web project you can create a file (for example ipn.aspx with a CodeBehind file ipn.aspx.cs). Add the below code into that file and set the URL to the file (ipn.aspx) location in Merchant/Integrator URL by accessing Integration Settings page in the Settings tab.

See IPN Documentation for all the information on IPN and types.

using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.Responses;
// Get the IPN headers and Message body
Stream s = Request.InputStream;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s);
string ipnMessage = sr.ReadToEnd();
NameValueCollection headers = Request.Headers;

// Create an object of the IpnHandler class
IpnHandler ipnObject = new IpnHandler(headers, ipnMessage);

// Response types
string xml = ipnObject.ToXml();
string json = ipnObject.ToJson();
Dictionary<string,object> dictionary = ipnObject.ToDict();

// Getting IPN common elements
string notificationType = ipnObject.GetNotificationType();
string merchantId = ipnObject.GetSellerId();
string notificationReferenceId = ipnObject.GetNotificationReferenceId();
string releaseEnvironment = ipnObject.GetReleaseEnvironment();

IPN's contain the XML response for the selective API calls made

Notification types returned

  • OrderReferenceNotification
  • BillingAgreementNotification
  • PaymentAuthorize
  • PaymentCapture
  • PaymentRefund
  • ProviderCredit
  • ProviderCreditReversal
using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

// Getting response objects.
string notificationType = ipnObject.GetNotificationType();

AuthorizeResponse authResponse = null;

// Example - In this case the Authorize notification was returned 
if (notificationType.Equals(NotificationType.PaymentAuthorize.ToString()))
	authResponse = ipnObject.GetAuthorizeResponse();
// With the authResponse object you can get the required variable values
// Example - see AuthorizeResponse class for all variables and their Getter functions. 
string amazonAuthorizationId = authResponse.GetAmazonAuthorizationId();

Convenience Methods

Charge Method

The charge method combines the following API calls:

Standard Payments / Recurring Payments

  1. SetOrderReferenceDetails / SetBillingAgreementDetails
  2. ConfirmOrderReference / ConfirmBillingAgreement
  3. Authorize / AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement

For Standard payments the first charge call will make the SetOrderReferenceDetails, ConfirmOrderReference, Authorize API calls. Subsequent call to charge method for the same Order Reference ID will make the call only to Authorize.

For Recurring payments the first charge call will make the SetBillingAgreementDetails, ConfirmBillingAgreement, AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement API calls. Subsequent call to charge method for the same Billing Agreement ID will make the call only to AuthorizeOnBillingAgreement.

Capture Now can be set to true for digital goods . For Physical goods it's highly recommended to set the Capture Now to false and the amount captured by making the capture API call after the shipment is complete.

Parameter Mandatory Values
Amazon Reference ID yes OrderReference ID (starts with P01 or S01) or
Billing Agreement ID (starts with B01 or C01)
Merchant ID no Value taken from configuration in the Client class.
Charge Amount yes Amount that needs to be captured
Currency code no If no value is provided, value is taken from the configuration of the Client class
Authorization Reference ID yes Unique string to be passed
Transaction Timeout no Timeout for Authorization - Defaults to 1440 minutes
Capture Now no Will capture the payment automatically when set to true. Defaults to false
Charge Note no Note that is sent to the buyer.
Maps to API call variables seller_note , SellerAuthorizationNote
Charge Order ID no Custom order ID provided
Maps to API call variables SellerOrderId , SellerBillingAgreementId
Store Name no Name of the store
Platform ID no Merchant ID of the Solution Provider
Custom Information no Any custom string
Inherit Shipping Address no Specifies whether to inherit the shipping address details, Default: true
Soft Descriptor no The description to be shown on the buyer's payment instrument statement, Default: AMZ*
Provider Credit Details no Marketplace information
MWS Auth Token no MWS Auth Token required if API call is made on behalf of the seller
using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using Newtonsoft.json;
using AmazonPay.StandardPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.RecurringPaymentRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

	// ChargeRequest class object
	ChargeRequest requestParameters = new ChargeRequest();

	// Adding the parameters values to the ChargeRequest class
		.WithStoreName("cool stuff store")
		.WithChargeNote("sample note")
		.WithProviderCreditDetails("PROVIDER_MERCHANT_ID", "10", Regions.currencyCode.USD)
		.WithCustomInformation("custom information");

	// Get the Authorization response from the charge method
	AuthorizeResponse response = client.Charge(requestParameters);
catch (InvalidDataException ex)
 string errorMessage = ex.Data["errorMessage"];
 string errorCode = ex.Data["errorCode"];
 string exceptionMessage = ex.Message;
Obtain profile information (GetUserInfo method)
  1. obtains the user's profile information from Amazon using the access token returned by the Button widget.
  2. An access token is granted by the authorization server when a user logs in to a site.
  3. An access token is specific to a client, a user, and an access scope. A client must use an access token to retrieve customer profile data.
Parameter Variable Name Mandatory Values
Access Token access_token yes Retrieved as GET parameter from the URL
Region region yes Default :null
Value is set in Client class Configuration
LWA Client ID client_id yes Default: null
Value should be set in the Client class Configuration
using AmazonPay;
using AmazonPay.CommonRequests;
using AmazonPay.Responses;

// Your AmazonPay keys are available in your Seller Central account

// Configuration class object
Configuration config = new Configuration();

Client client = new Client(config);

// Get the Access Token from the URL
string access_token = "ACCESS_TOKEN";
// Calling the function getUserInfo with the access token parameter returns object
string jsonResponse = client.GetUserInfo(access_token);

//using Newtonsoft library
Jobject jsonObject = JObject.Parse(jsonResponse);

// Buyer name
string buyerName = jsonObject.GetValue("name").ToString();
// Buyer Email
string email = jsonObject.GetValue("email").ToString();
// Buyer User Id
string userId = jsonObject.GetValue("user_id").ToString();

Enable Logging in (Client, IpnHandler)

Simple Common Logging Implementation
  1. Update "appSettings" within App.config or Web.config with Sanitize Data list with things you would like to be sanitize. See example bellow.
    <add key="sanitizeList" value="RequestID;Error;SellerId;SignatureMethod;CaptureNow"/>
  2. Create Simple Logger Adapter and Logger
    // Setting Simple Logger Adapter
    Common.Logging.LogManager.Adapter = new Common.Logging.Simple.TraceLoggerFactoryAdapter();
    // Create logger of type "Client"
    Common.Logging.ILog logger = Common.Logging.LogManager.GetLogger<Client>();
  3. Set Logger property for instance of Client.
    Client client = new Client(clientConfig);
    // Set Logger for Client
    client.Logger = logger;

Convenience Method Workflow

This API allows you to make one API call 'GetPaymentDetails' to retrieve OrderReference, Authorize, Capture and Refund Details Response.
    //GetPaymentDetails takes two parameters - AmazonOrderReferenID(required) and MWSAuthToken(optional)
    PaymentDetailsResponse payDetailsResponse = client.GetPaymentDetails("S01-9111020-6707923", null); 
    foreach (var group in payDetailsResponse.GetAuthorizationDetails())
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", group.Key, group.Value.GetXml());
    foreach (var group in payDetailsResponse.GetCaptureDetails())
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", group.Key, group.Value.GetXml());
    foreach (var group in payDetailsResponse.GetRefundDetails())
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Key: {0} Value: {1}", group.Key, group.Value.GetXml());

Retrieving Payment Descriptor in GetOrderReferenceDetails call

This feature allows you to retrieve Payment Descriptor in the GetOrderReferenceDetails call. Steps to follow to retrieve payment Descriptor as are below -
  1. Your Amazon Pay Client ID (amzn1.xxxxxxx) needs to be whitelisted with the “payments:instrument_descriptor” scope. Please contact Amazon Pay Support for whitelisting your Client ID.
  2. Add the “payments:instrument_descriptor” scope to your (test) site button.
  3. Pass the obtained “access_token” and Order Reference ID’s to the GetOrderReferenceDetails request.
    GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest getOrderReferenceDetailsRequest = new GetOrderReferenceDetailsRequest();
    OrderReferenceDetailsResponse getOrderReferenceDetailsResponse = client.GetOrderReferenceDetails(getOrderReferenceDetailsRequest);


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