A very simple DL package in Julia. The API is heavily inspired by the one and only PyTorch library.
This package was created as a part of the assignment for the COMP0090 - Introduction to Deep Learning @ UCL.
This is my first project in Julia and it is more than certain that there are a lot of design flaws. Nevertheless I hope this package can have some value for those picking up deep learning / Julia.
I will be very grateful for every issue / comment / PR.
using Pkg
pkg"add https://github.com/taraspiotr/DeepJulia"
using DeepJulia
using DeepJulia
lr = 1e-2
momentum = 0.9
num_epochs = 10
batch_size = 8
D = 100
model = ModuleList([
LinearLayer(D, D ÷ 2),
LinearLayer(D ÷ 2, 1),
loss = MSE()
optim = SGD(params(model), lr, momentum)
input = Tensor(rand(batch_size, D); requires_grad=false)
output = Tensor(rand(batch_size, 1); requires_grad=false)
for i=1:num_epochs
l = get_loss(loss, output, forward(model, input))
println("Epoch $(i), loss = $(l.values[1])")
Example scripts can be found in the examples/
- Tensor
- Autograd: +, *, /, .+ (for same shape 2-dim arrays), logistic
- NN: NNModule, LinearLayer, Activation, SigmoidActivation, ModuleList
- Optim: SGD
- Loss: LogLoss (without the log trick), MSE
- Tests!
- Autograd: everything else, especially broadcasting
- CUDA support
- NN: Convolutions, RNN, Transformer, ...
- Optim: Adam, ...
- ...