Tapis Files Service
There are three primary branches: local, dev, and main.
All changes should first be made in the branch local.
When it is time to deploy to the DEV kubernetes environment run the jenkins job TapisJava->3_ManualBuildDeploy->files.
This job will:
- Merge changes from local to dev
- Build, tag and push docker images
- Deploy to DEV environment
- Push the merged local changes to the dev branch.
To move docker images from DEV to STAGING run the following jenkins job:
- TapisJava->2_Release->promote-dev-to-staging
To move docker images from STAGING to PROD run the following jenkins job:
- TapisJava->2_Release->promote-staging-to-prod-ver
Start up the supporting containers using the docker-compose file in the deploy
docker-compose up
We need to create an irods user for testing Exec into the irods container
docker exec -it irods bash
Run admin commands to add the user
iadmin mkuser dev rodsuser
iadmin moduser dev password dev
Inputs for iinit: host=localhost, user=rods, passwd=rods
We need to create a test database and user for integration tests also. A dev database is created automatically, but the test database will get wiped out after each test run.
Exec into the postgres container
docker exec -it postgres bash
Get into a postgres shell. The default username is dev
# psql -U dev
Run the following commands in the postgres shell.
# create database test;
# create user test with encrypted password 'test';
# alter user test WITH SUPERUSER;
mvn clean install
The integration tests are configured to use the test
database created above.
Unfortunately TestTransfers takes a long time to run. And some tests in TestTransfers fail when all tests are run from command line, even though they pass individually when run from IDE. When a git commit message says "Integ tests pass" or "Most integ tests pass" it usually means all tests except TestTransfers were run from the IDE and a few tests from TestTransfers were run from the IDE.
Currently, tests run using mvn from the command line appear to have concurrency issues. They sometimes fail. Tests to run manually from IDE:
- TestOpsRoutes (1.5 minutes)
- TestFileOpsService (1 minute)
- TestFileShareService (1 minute)
- TestContentsRoutes (3 minutes)
- TestLibUtilsRoutes (5 seconds)
- TestSSHConnectionCache (10 seconds)
- TestIrodsClient (10 seconds)
- TestS3Client (5 seconds)
- TestTransfersRoutes (5 seconds)
- TestFileTransfersDAO (5 seconds)
- TestTransfers (approx 17 minutes, intermittent fails - test10Files, testDoesTransferAtRoot, testMultipleChildren, testNestedDirectories, testSameSystemForSourceAndDest)
- intermittent failures succeed when run individually from IDE
mvn clean install -DskipITs=false -DAPP_ENV=test
Tests should run migrations, to run them manually for any DB do this:
mvn -pl migrations flyway:clean flyway:migrate -Dflyway.skip=false -Dflyway.url=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/dev -Dflyway.user=dev -Dflyway.password=dev -U
Start the service from the IDE, class edu.utexas.tacc.tapis.files.api.FilesApplication, in intellij env vars config, set SERVICE_PASSWORD
You should also be able to hit the API from postman at
There is (was?) an issue with the python sdk generation where it would error out if the
status codes in the openapi specs were integers and not strings. There is a little script called
in the resources of the api module that cleans the spec up. This is run automatically
as part of the maven build process.