this is sqlite ORM (an automatic database operation)
thread-safe and not afraid of recursive deadlock
新版 添加字段的时候 可以直接 定义属性就好了 不用再调用 [self tableUpdateAddColumeWithPN:@"color"]; 这种的方法了 #v1.1
之间的绑定。 -
你也可以 设置 列 的属性。
当你列 映射 使用
值 。 就重载下面两个方法,由你决定插入到数据库中的数据
-(id)userGetValueForModel:(LKDBProperty *)property
-(void)userSetValueForModel:(LKDBProperty *)property value:(id)value
为了 支持多数据库 取消了
改成[modelClass getUsingDBHelper]
这样每个model 可以重载 , 选择要使用的数据库
里面 的方法
#v1.1 -
column name
. -
You can also set the properties of the column.
When you use
column mapping value. To override the following two methods you decide to insert data in the database
- (id) userGetValueForModel: (LKDBProperty *) property
- (void) userSetValueForModel: (LKDBProperty *) property value: (id) value
Also added two ways to add columns for easy upgrades in the table when called.
In order to support multiple databases canceled
this method,
Changed to[modelClass getUsingDBHelper]
so that each model can be overloaded, select the database you want to use
You can seeNSObject LKDBHelper
method inside
- iOS 4.3+
- ARC only
##Adding to your project
If you are using CocoaPods, then, just add this line to your PodFile
pod 'LKDBHelper', :head
##Basic usage
1 . Create a new Objective-C class for your data model
@interface LKTest : NSObject
@property(copy,nonatomic)NSString* name;
@property int age;
@property BOOL isGirl;
@property(strong,nonatomic)LKTestForeign* address;
@property char like;
@property(strong,nonatomic) UIImage* img;
@property(strong,nonatomic) NSDate* date;
@property(copy,nonatomic)NSString* error;
@property(copy,nonatomic)UIColor* color;
2 . in the *.m file, overwirte getTableName function
+(NSString *)getTableName
return @"LKTestTable";
3 . In your app start function
LKDBHelper* globalHelper = [LKDBHelper getUsingLKDBHelper];
//create table need to manually call! will check the version number of the table
[globalHelper createTableWithModelClass:[LKTest class]];
4 . Initialize your model with data and insert to database
LKTest* test = [[LKTest alloc]init]; = @"zhan san";
test.age = 16;
test.address = foreign;
test.isGirl = YES; = 'I';
test.img = [UIImage imageNamed:@"41.png"]; = [NSDate date];
test.color = [UIColor orangeColor];
[globalHelper insertToDB:test];
5 . select 、 delete 、 update 、 isExists 、 rowCount ...
NSMutableArray* array = [globalHelper search:[LKTest class] where:nil orderBy:nil offset:0 count:100];
for (NSObject* obj in array) {
addText(@"%@",[obj printAllPropertys]);
[globalHelper deleteToDB:test];
update: = "rename";
[globalHelper updateToDB:test where:nil];
[globalHelper isExistsModel:test];
[globalHelper rowCount:[LKTest class] where:nil];
6 . Description of parameters "where"
For example:
single: @"rowid = 1" or @{@"rowid":@1}
more: @"rowid = 1 and sex = 0" or @{@"rowid":@1,@"sex":@0}
when where is "or" type , such as @"rowid = 1 or sex = 0"
you only use NSString
array: @"rowid in (1,2,3)" or @{@"rowid":@[@1,@2,@3]}
composite: @"rowid in (1,2,3) and sex=0 " or @{@"rowid":@[@1,@2,@3],@"sex":@0}
If you want to be judged , only use NSString
For example: @"date >= '2013-04-01 00:00:00'"
##table mapping
overwirte getTableMapping Function
+(NSDictionary *)getTableMapping
//return nil
return @{@"name":LKSQLInherit,
##table update
+(LKTableUpdateType)tableUpdateForOldVersion:(int)oldVersion newVersion:(int)newVersion
switch (oldVersion) {
case 1:
[self tableUpdateAddColumeWithPN:@"color"];
case 2:
[self tableUpdateAddColumeWithName:@"address" sqliteType:LKSQLText];
return LKTableUpdateTypeCustom;
+(void)columeAttributeWithProperty:(LKDBProperty *)property
if([property.sqlColumeName isEqualToString:@"MyAge"])
property.defaultValue = @"15";
if([property.propertyName isEqualToString:@"date"])
property.isUnique = YES;
property.checkValue = @"MyDate > '2000-01-01 00:00:00'";
property.length = 30;
##demo screenshot
table test data
foreign key data
Version 1.1 @ 2012-6-20
- automatic table mapping
- support optional columns
- support colume attribute settings
- you can return colume content
Version 1.0 @ 2013-5-19
- overwrite and rename LKDBHelper
- property type support: UIColor,NSDate,UIImage,NSData,CGRect,CGSize,CGPoint,int,float,double,NSString,short,char,bool,NSInterger..
- fix a recursive deadlock.
- rewrite the asynchronous operation -
- thread-safe
- various bug modified optimize cache to improve performance
- test and demos
- bug fixes, speed improvements
Version 0.0.1 @ 2012-10-1
- Initial release with LKDAOBase
This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license.
- if you are fixing a bug you discovered, please add also a unit test so I know how exactly to reproduce the bug before merging
Author: Jianghuai Li
Contributors: waiting for you to join