Quickly start your angularJS project, develope with flexibility using dev command line tools and build a deploy version with source minification.
1. check if you have it installed or not,
npm -v
node -v
you should see some version info in return.
2. install global packages(run on any directory)
npm install -g gulp node-gyp
in case of mac or linux, you might need to mention "sudo"
3. now go to the directory where you want to place the project files using git bash (terminal for mac or linux)
run the command
git clone URL
here URL is the http url you get from the repository page, Click here to clone
4. now navigate to the project directory with cmd (terminal for mac or linux)
run the command
npm install
wait for it to be completed. It usually takes 5-10 minutes to complete.
It will download all the dependencies, build the project and serve the build on browser
1. Serve from source (./) with watch (Development Mode)
you should see the browser window opening address http://localhost:3000 (opens another port if unavailable)
2. Build the source (Deployment Mode)
gulp build
it will delete previous build !!!
build files will be saved under ./_build directory
3. Serve from source (./) without watch (Source Testing Mode)
gulp server
you should see the browser window opening address http://localhost:3000 (opens another port if unavailable)
4. Serve from build (./_build/) without watch (Build Testing Mode)
gulp server-build
you should see the browser window opening address http://localhost:3000 (opens another port if unavailable)
Please change your editor configuration like below before you start development
Indent character: "\t" (tab)
Indent size: 2
Line endings: LF (unix)
See the live demo here