- Kanban Board (Trello-like)
- Productivity Homepage
- Basic Sidebar
- Simple Pomodoro Timer
- HTML5, CSS3, and TypeScript for the frontend
- React 18 for building the Single Page Application (SPA)
- Next.js 13 for server-side rendering and routing
- Tailwind CSS for styling and responsive design
- IndexedDB for local data storage
- Use IndexedDB for offline data storage
- Implement data models for tasks, boards, lists, and user preferences
- Ensure all data operations are synchronous and local
- Utilize React Query for efficient data fetching and caching
- Create a drag-and-drop interface using react-beautiful-dnd
- Implement customizable lists (columns) with the ability to add, rename, and delete
- Allow adding, editing, moving, and archiving cards (tasks)
- Implement card features:
- Title and description
- Due dates and reminders
- Labels and color coding
- Checklists
- Attachments (local file references)
- Comments
- Enable board customization (background, visibility)
- Implement board sharing functionality (for future multi-user support)
- Store board state in IndexedDB
- Use Tailwind CSS classes for layout and styling
- Design a simple, clean interface displaying:
- Kanban board overview with recent activity
- Top priority tasks across all boards
- Current date and time
- Quick-add card functionality
- Fetch and display data from IndexedDB using React Query
- Utilize Tailwind CSS utility classes for responsive design
- Create a collapsible sidebar using React components and Tailwind CSS
- Include:
- Navigation to different boards
- Quick-add card functionality
- Mini view of top priority tasks
- Pomodoro timer controls
- Search functionality across all boards and cards
- Implement dark theme styling using Tailwind's dark mode classes
- Implement a basic timer with preset work/break intervals
- Use React hooks for timer functionality
- Provide start, pause, and reset controls styled with Tailwind CSS
- Implement browser notifications for audio-visual alerts
- Allow customization of work/break durations
- Design a clean, minimalist UI using Tailwind CSS utility classes
- Implement a dark theme by default using Tailwind's dark mode
- Use a limited color palette for consistency, defined in tailwind.config.js
- Ensure responsive design for various screen sizes using Tailwind's responsive utilities
- Implement basic animations for smooth user experience with Tailwind's transition classes
- Create custom card and list designs mimicking Trello's aesthetic
- Set up a Next.js project with TypeScript support
- Implement Next.js App Router for navigation between different views (boards, cards)
- Use React Context API or Redux Toolkit for state management across components
- Configure Tailwind CSS for the project
- Implement a Service Worker for offline caching using next-pwa
- Ensure all features work without an internet connection
- Implement error handling for offline scenarios
- Sync data when connection is restored (for future online functionality)
- Develop unit tests for React components using React Testing Library and Jest
- Perform end-to-end testing using Cypress
- Test data persistence across browser restarts
- Ensure dark theme and responsive design are working correctly across different devices
- Test drag-and-drop functionality extensively
- Minimize DOM manipulation by leveraging React's virtual DOM
- Use efficient data structures for task and board management
- Implement lazy loading for Kanban board tasks and routes using Next.js dynamic imports
- Optimize Tailwind CSS by purging unused styles in production
- Implement virtual scrolling for boards with many cards using react-window
- Create inline code documentation
- Develop a comprehensive user guide for application usage
- Document data models and storage schema
- Include documentation on Tailwind CSS usage and custom configurations
- Provide API documentation for future extensibility
- Set up a CI/CD pipeline for automated testing and deployment
- Deploy the Next.js app to a serverless platform (e.g., Vercel)
- Implement basic usage analytics using a service like Plausible or a self-hosted solution
- Ensure proper bundling and minification of Tailwind CSS for production
- Plan for modular code structure to ease future feature additions
- Design data models with potential cloud sync in mind
- Consider progressive web app (PWA) implementation for enhanced offline capabilities
- Explore advanced Tailwind CSS features like custom plugins for extending functionality
- Implement real-time collaboration features using WebSockets or Firebase
- Develop integrations with popular tools and services
- Create mobile apps for iOS and Android using React Native
- Set up the development environment with Next.js, React 18, and Tailwind CSS
- Implement the data layer using IndexedDB and React Query
- Create the Kanban board component with drag-and-drop functionality
- Develop the board listing page with create, update, and reorder functionality
- Develop the productivity homepage
- Build the sidebar component with Pomodoro timer
- Implement offline functionality with Service Workers and next-pwa
- Design and apply the user interface using Tailwind CSS
- Set up routing using Next.js App Router and state management
- Conduct thorough testing (unit, integration, and end-to-end)
- Optimize performance and implement lazy loading
- Create documentation (inline, user guide, and API)
- Set up CI/CD and deploy to a serverless platform
- Plan for future enhancements and features