Team Calendar is a web application designed to help users create, view, and manage events efficiently. The app supports two types of users:
- Administrators: Full control over events (create, view, update, delete)
- Regular Users: View events only
The application interacts with the database through a RESTful API, secured with JWT tokens, and provides a web interface for user interaction.
- Docker
- Docker Compose
The application uses MariaDB as its database. A Dockerfile located in the db
directory is used to build a Docker image for MariaDB.
The API service typically operates on port 3000. A Dockerfile in the api
directory builds the Docker image for the API. When running in Docker, the API can be accessed at http://localhost:3000, and the API documentation is available at http://localhost:3000/api.
The frontend is developed using Next.js and JavaScript. The Dockerfile in the web
directory is used to build the Docker image for the web application. The web app runs at http://localhost:3002 when running in Docker.
To start all the applications, navigate to the project's root directory and execute the following command:
docker-compose up
### Administrator Credentials
- **Email:** [email protected]
- **Name:** Administrator
- **Password:** Admin@Password1
- **Role ID:** 1
### Important Information
- When creating a user, enter `1` for admin and `2` for regular user in the Role field.
- Password requirements:
- At least one uppercase letter
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one number
- At least one special character
- Minimum of 8 characters
- The email must be a valid email address.