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FabLab Project


This project is used to manage FabLab access.

  • Doorbell notifications

Docker Images

The application consists into 2 docker images

Building Fablab image

ARM based image

cd DomoticProject
sudo docker build -f <Dockerfile_absolute_path> -t fablab/rpi_mongo:1 <Dockerfile_folder_path>

Intel x86_64 based image

cd DomoticProject
docker build -f Dockerfile-x86_64 -t fablab/rpi_webapp:1 .

Building MongoDB Image

ARM based image

cd mongodb_image/
docker build -f Dockerfile -t fablab/rpi_mongo:1 .

Intel x86_64 based image

cd mongodb_image/
docker build -f Dockerfile-x86_64 -t fablab/mongo:1 .

Running the application

Our application is composed of 2 micro-services : the Node.js application and the MongoDB database.

We use a docker-compose file to deploy the application.

cd DomoticProject
sudo docker-compose -f <docker-compose_file_absolutepath> up -d

Rq: You can choose the docker-compose file you want according to the platform you want to deploy onto.


Mongo-Express is a GUI for Mongo. It allows to manipulate the datas that are stored inside mongo

To run Mongo-Express:

# some_mongo_container has to be the name of the mongo container
docker run --link some_mongo_container:mongo -p 8081:8081 mongo-express

How to develop ?

Prérequis :

  1. Clone the project.
    $ git pull
  2. Build all the express.js dependencies.
    $ cd DomoticProject
    $ npm install
  3. Launch mongoDB.
    • Install with docker :
    # Pull the mongo image
    $ docker pull mongo:3.2.10
    # Verify that you see the mongo image
    $ docker images
    REPOSITORY         TAG           IMAGE ID         CREATED         SIZE
    mongo              3.2.10        092cc6fb995c     2 weeks ago     342.5 MB
    # Run your container (an instance of your mongo image)
    $ docker run --name mongo -p 27017:27017 -d mongo:3.2.10
    # Verify that your container is running
    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID  IMAGE   COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS         PORTS                      NAMES
    e1f0d74b6b9a  mongo   "/ mongo"   8 seconds ago  Up 7 seconds>27017/tcp   mongo
    • Or install from source : To install mongoDB directly from source visit this link
  4. Create the fablab database with a default administrator. For running the application, specialy if you want to access to the admin environnement, you need to have a user in your mongo database. You have to create a database "fablab" which has a collection "admins" with a user.
    • If you choose to launch mongoDB with docker :
    $ cd mongodb_image
    $ sudo ./
    • If you choose to launch mongoDB from source :
     $ mongo
     >fablab --eval
        , 'lastName':'Administrateur'
        , 'email':'[email protected]'
        , 'password':'sha1\$9eb66656\$1\$531227f8880d64b9ce1c848ff4e0bcabcf7c733f'})"
  5. Configure your application. We the server start he try to connect to the database. You need to initiliaze the MONGO_URL variable with this value mongodb://localhost:27017 in config/mongo_config.js
  6. Launch the application in debug mode. When you launch the application you need to see this message in your console : Connection to dabatase SUCCESS
  7. Access to the index page. Go to http://localhost:3000/admin/login and try to connect with this profile username : [email protected] password : admin