Warning: This benchmark is HEAVILY opiniated. It's only focus on the unmarshmalling of RTB bid-requests to a unified case-class representation.
- Play-JSON
Compile-time macro, Functional builders - Play-JSON with JAWN parsing
- Spray
Runtime reflection for case-class parsing (but just one time?) - Spray with JAWN parsing
- Json4S
Runtime reflection for case-class parsing? - JSON4S with Jackson parsing
- Json4S with JAWN parsing
- Circe with JAWN parsing
Fork of Argonaut, replacing Scalaz by Cats and macro by shapeless (compile-time derivation). Monadic decoders - Argonaut with JAWN parsing
Based on scalaZ and macro for devirvation. More verbose than Circe. Monadic decoders
lower is better
Parse and decode a 600mo file containing around 45000 bid-requests, extracted from real RTB traffic.
Benchmark run on an AWS c4.2xlarge instance, withbenchs/jmh:run -i 4 -wi 2 -f1 -t1 -bm avgt
(about 25mn)
[info] Benchmark (readerName) Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench spray-jawn avgt 4 9.292 ± 0.032 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench spray avgt 4 11.692 ± 0.060 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench circe-jawn avgt 4 18.034 ± 0.323 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench argonaut-jawn avgt 4 20.398 ± 0.201 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench play-jawn avgt 4 24.040 ± 0.154 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench play avgt 4 28.066 ± 0.126 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench json4s-jawn avgt 4 40.180 ± 0.322 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench json4s-jackson avgt 4 43.033 ± 0.422 s/op
[info] OneFileReadersbenchmarks.bench json4s avgt 4 45.548 ± 0.416 s/op
Because it has demonstrated is powerfull in a previous benchmark -better than Jackson in this use case- (based on that). And it offers an excellent compability with spray, play, argonaut, json4s...
600mo soit 457000 bidrequests à convertir de String -> AST JSON (sur 3 itérations), en mode mono-thread
Jawn parser vers Json4s AST 5162,167 ± 2632,244 ms/op
Jawn parser 5225,790 ± 773,930 ms/op
Jackson parser 5413,639 ± 10426,827 ms/op
Jawn parser vers Play AST 6715,119 ± 21,964 ms/op
Jackson parser vers Json4s AST 6921,634 ± 2593,722 ms/op
Jawn parser vers rojomaV3 AST 8194,332 ± 5801,958 ms/op
rojomaV3 parser 8454,855 ± 5527,186 ms/op
Json4s native parser 8472,026 ± 1119,310 ms/op
Jawn parser vers Spray AST 8539,325 ± 13691,695 ms/op
Gson parser 8694,811 ± 6496,280 ms/op
Jackson parser vers Play AST 9472,178 ± 31644,102 ms/op
Jawn parser vers Argonaut AST 9932,325 ± 27138,863 ms/op
Spray parser 10226,288 ± 11983,117 ms/op
Argonaut parser 13074,731 ± 9339,648 ms/op
$> benchs/jmh:run -i 2 -wi 1 -f1 -t1 -bm avgt