My First App - Hello everyone, This is a Flutter application to find one's Hogwarts Houses - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. It allows the user to select answers based on which it sorts them.The purpose behind building this application was covering a lot of concepts such as:
- Showing Widgets on the screen.
- Recycling Widgets.
- Changing Screens.
- Internal Logic.
- Three multiple-choice questions ( more questions can be added ).
- Four selectable options for each question in the form of buttons except the last one.
- The score will be calculated based on the option selected for each question (Internally).
- And based on the final score a remark will be shown at the end of the quiz in addition to the score and restart button.
- There are two screens in the app home (where questions will be shown) and the result screen ( where score and remark will be shown).
- The whole app will be separated into five different modules namely main.dart, question.dart, answer.dart,quiz.dart and result.dart.
This project is inspired by the course i did on Coursera.