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GSoC 2016 Rohan Doddaiah

Janice Niemeir edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 1 revision

Rohan Doddaiah

Short Bio

I am currently pursuing Bachelors in Computer Science. I'm from PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore.

I'm a passionate Android developer. My passion for Android began right from my first year of engineering. I've been developing apps since then and I'm enthralled with the way Android has been evolving since then.

I'm also a big fan of puzzles. I love solving Rubik's cubes. I can sub 25 on 33! Ranging from 33s to Megaminx, Pyraminx, I solve various cubes.

I am the Project manager of a group called Microsoft Mobile Innovations at college. This group is involved in a lot of projects which includes modern technologies like IOT.

Previously, I was a student developer at the Student Nokia Developer. I have also had industry experience since I have interned in a startup last year. I have always been keen in learning new things and I give my best in everything I do. Looking to have a great summer of coding ahead!

Profile Links

Linked In

Peace Corps Safety App (Android)

I am currently working on the Android app of Peace Corps Safety app.

Abstract: Sexual assault is a major concern in today's world. PCSA is a mobile application that aims to serve as a safety resource to the PeaceCorp Volunteers (PCVs). The sole purpose of the app is to guide the volunteers to protect/defend themselves from sexual assault.

Google Melange Project Description

Project Proposal


Week Time Period Milestones
0 April 22 - May 22 Community Bonding
April 22 - May 22 Getting familiar with the other members, validate all issues pending on the tracker and the other Pull Requests made
1-4 May 23 - June 28 Development Phase
1 May 23 - May 29 Fix all the validated issues, resolve all PRs under the guidance of mentors. If required, make necessary documentation changes and complete all pending work so that new features can be implemented without any hassle.
2 May 30 - June 5 Follow the design doc on Github and implement minor UI changes Change color schemes, layout structure, add splash screen to the app. Also, make changes to Get Help Now and Circle of Trust as indicated in the docs.
3 June 6 - June 12 Implement Navigation drawer as indicated in the design documents
4 June 13 - June 19 Build mock versions for the new pages going to be added. Verify content to be added. Do a regression testing for all the changes that have been made. Add supported docs, if necessary.
5 June 21 - June 28 Midterm Evaluation
5 June 20 - June 26 Fix the previous screens and project layout to suit the new requirements
6 June 27 - July 3 Start implementing Safety Tools, RADAR, Coping with Unwanted Attention Strategies
7 July 4 - July 10 Finish the rest in Safety Tools, Tactics of Sexual Predators, Bystander Intervention, Safety Plan Basics, Safety Plan, At this point, Safety Tools would have been implemented
8 July 11 - July 17 Implement Support Services, Benefits of Seeking Staff Support, Available Services after a Sexual Assault, Peace Corps’ Commitment to Victims of Sexual Assault
9 July 18 - July 24 Add User login using preferences, Finish Sexual Assault Awareness
10 July 25 - July 31 Finish Policies and Glossary
11 Aug 1 - Aug 7 Integration, Regression Testing to be done,test bundling, create UI Test cases, Any mismatch with the PCSA iOS and Web versions to be resolved
12 Aug 8 - Aug 14 Necessary documentation changes and wind up for submissions, Deliver the app for final submission
13 Aug 16 - Aug 24 Project Completion and submission



Unit Test Results


Week 1: May 23, 2016 to May 29, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Resolved bugs remaining in the issue tracker
  • Prepared feasibility report for Google Voice Interaction API and had a detailed discussion with the mentors regarding the incorporation of this API into PCSA
  • Started implementing the UI mockup (Navigation Drawer)

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • Limitations of Google Voice Interactions API, not supporting Open system voice command

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Talks regarding this have been made with the mentors and I have been instructed to proceed implementing the other features of the app.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing navigation drawer and other UI Mockups.
  • Start writing a blog about the happenings
  • Start other tasks which will be given to me after meeting with the PCSA team

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 2: May 30, 2016 to June 5, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Added Splash Screen to the app
  • Finished implementing design changes like color scheme, font change, title and subtitle for main screen
  • Finished implementing Navigation Drawer and showed it to the mentors (PR yet to be made)
  • Submitted a report on the changes that will be made with mockups for screens
  • Started preparing mockup document

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • I had a hard time trying to figure out what will be the content that will go to the new screens being built.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Talks regarding this have been made with the mentors and I have been told to extract data from the content doc in a manner I think is appropriate which will be later to put for validation.

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • Still making the report.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Complete the mockups and give it for validation
  • Add hamburger icons to the Navigation drawer and make a PR
  • Change the launcher icon
  • Correct the mockup document in case any changes are required.

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 3: June 6, 2016 to June 12, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished creating mockups for all the layouts to be implemented for the rest of the summer.
  • Made a PR for Nav Drawer
  • Fixed small bug existing in Circle of Trust

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • I haven't encountered any

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • NA

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Implement the screens that have been validated by Patrick and team

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 4: June 13, 2016 to June 19, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Modified application architecture, changed app logo, refactored previous code
  • Changed project layout
  • Started implementing Safety Tools

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing Safety Tools

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 5: June 20, 2016 to June 26, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Working on Safety Tools
  • Changing previous code to suit the Navigation
  • Drawer requirements.

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • A lot of previous code that has been developed is supposed to be changed to adjust to the new layout, working on it.

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • Still doing it

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • NA

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish fixing the PR previously created and as much as possible finish the rest of Safety Tools

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 6: June 27, 2016 to July 3, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finalised mockups
  • Changed statically defined fragments to dynamic.
  • Can swap them in and out of a container
  • Updated Get Help Now
  • Updated Circle of Trust

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing Safety Tools

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • Was supposed to start with Safety Tools last week, but due to some changes in the architecture, had to fix other issues. Will finish Safety Tools this week.

Week 7: July 4, 2016 to July 10, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished Safety Tools
  • Started Support Services

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing Support Services

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On time

Week 8: July 11, 2016 to July 17, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished Support Services
  • Started Sexual Assault Awareness

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing Sexual Assault Awareness

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On time

Week 9: July 18, 2016 to July 24, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished Sexual Assault Awareness
  • Started Policies and Glossary

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing Policies and Glossary

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On time

Week 10: July 25, 2016 to July 31, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Finished Policies and Glossary
  • Started UI Testing

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • No, everything has been resolved.

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish UI Testing

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On time

Week 11: August 1, 2016 to August 7, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Added Navigation Drawer Functionality
  • Learning Expresso

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • NA

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Play with Expresso Tool

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.

Week 12: August 8, 2016 to August 14, 2016

What have you accomplished this week (list specific items accomplished)?

  • Deciding how many UI features to include for test
  • Verify content in docs with the one in app
  • Check if UI has met the required features

What issues or roadblocks have you encountered this week?

  • NA

Have they been resolved, and if so, how?

  • NA

Do any of the issues or roadblocks still exist and what steps have been taken to resolve them?

  • NA

Is further assistance necessary to resolve existing issues?

  • None.

What do you plan to accomplish next week?

  • Finish implementing UI Testing and submit final project .

How does your progress compare to your project schedule?

  • On Schedule.
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