This demonstrates different approaches of creating a video recording from a browser test run in Selenium:
- Approach 1: Proper whole-screen video recording with ffmpeg during test runtime
- Approach 2: Creating a sequence of screenshots from the browser's viewport, then stitching them together with ffmpeg after test runtime
For the second approach, I tried different implementations:
- 2a) Use the screencast functionality of Chrome Devtools Protocol
- Proxy the WebDriver executor and on every executed WebDriver command take a
screenshot with one of the following methods:
- 2b) CDP
- 2c) WebDriver BiDi
- 2d) WebDriver
- 2b) CDP
With each commit to this repository, workflows run each of the implementations 4 times. Each workflow summary displays the timings. Some examples:
The workflow summaries also contain the screenshots and videos produced.
I did this because I stumbled across the screencast functionality in Chrome Devtools Protocol and wanted to give it a spin. Because the JavaScript bindings of WebDriver do not offer support for using the screencast feature and the project does not want to add it (see this GitHub issue), I played around with other methods of creating a series of screenshots.
GitHub deletes workflow data after a while (not sure about the summaries). Therefore I decided to put some of the timings here in this readme file.
The results:
- Recording a video via ffmpeg (1) does not add considerably to the test execution time. It is less time-consuming than all approaches that create a series of screenshots
- The same is true for the CDP screencast implementation (2a)
- The "proxied executor" implementations (2b, 2c, 2d) all add considerably to the timings, especially the one that uses the BiDi screenshot command. Using the CDP screenshot command seems to be the fastest option
The timings shown below are in milliseconds.
Implementation | Run 1 | Run 2 | Run 3 | Run 4 |
Plain command sequence (no screenshots/video) | 4155 | 4030 | 4088 | 4080 |
1) Record video with ffmpeg at runtime | 4140 | 4008 | 3928 | 3946 |
2a) CDP screencast | 4083 | 3939 | 3983 | 3951 |
2b) Proxied executor + CDP screenshot | 4903 | 4585 | 4557 | 4510 |
2c) Proxied executor + BiDi screenshot | 6102 | 5956 | 5786 | 5969 |
2d) Proxied executor + classic takeScreenshot |
5246 | 5165 | 4929 | 5125 |