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JavaScript version of the antimony library to support human-readable, human-writable modular model definition language.

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This repository hosts the build instructions and scripts for the JavaScript wrapper for the C++ library Antimony ( Antimony is a modular model definition language used in Systems Biology for modeling chemical networks. This library allows the user to easily convert Antimony models to SBML models SBML site and vice-versa.

Project structure

  • docs directory: Demo page and information for incorporating libantimonyjs in a javascript project.
  • test directory: Test models and test web page
  • scripts directory: Contains libantimonyjs wrapper for simple translating of Antimony and SBML models. -- build subdirectory: script for manually building libantimonyjs, normally it is built through GitHub actions.
  • release directory: Released javascript wrapper and associated wasm files (libantimony.js and libantimony.wasm) built from instructions below.
  • .github/workflows directory: Actions for building libantimony.js on GitHub

Using libantimonyjs

Building libantimonyjs

It is currently possible to build libantimonyjs on Linux, MacOS and MS Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Briefly, Emscripten ( is used to compile all C/C++ source code into a .wasm ( file and generate javascript wrappers around each Antimony API call.

The software requirements:

  1. CMake (
  2. Expat source code (2.2.6 or greater) (
  3. LibSBML source code:
  4. Antimony source code (2.13.3 or greater)(
  5. Emscripten (3.1.20) ( Do not install latest version, use 3.1.20.
    • After installing Emscripten, remember to set up the EMSDK environment:
    • Ex: source "/home/user/emsdk_install_dir/"
    • Check by typing emcc -v in your home directory.

Refer to Build libantimonyjs on GitHub for building libantimony with GitHub Actions.

Build steps

After installing this project locally, from a terminal (BASH) window set the environment variable LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR to the root directory of the build (ex: export LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR=~/build_antjs/libantimonyjs). Next mkdir $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install, this will be where all of the final files will be located.

  • Either use script 'buildLibAntjs' in ../scripts/ or follow the instructions below to build libantimony.js and libantimony.wasm.
  1. Build expat library:
    • Install libexpat src code into directory $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR and rename it expat
    • In the expat directory mkdir build and cd into this directory.
    • Compile libexpat using emscripten tool emcmake: emcmake cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/expat
    • Next: emmake make
    • Finally: emmake make install, libexapt.a should be in the $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/expat/lib directory
  2. Build SBML library:
    • Install libsbml src code into directory $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR and rename it libsbml Ex: mv libsbml-development sbml
    • In the sbml directory mkdir build and cd into this directory.
    • Next emmake make
    • Finally: emmake make install, libsbml-static.a should be in the $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/sbml/lib directory
  3. Build Antimony library:
    • Install antimony src code into directory LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR and rename it antimony
    • In the antimony directory mkdir build and cd into this directory.
    • Next 'emmake make'
    • Finally emmake make install, libantimony.a should be in the $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/antimony/lib directory
  4. Generate javascript wrapper for antimony library:
    • Once all of the static libraries are built using Emscripten (libexpat.a, libantimony.a, libsbml.a) the javascript wrapper and associated wasm file are generated:
    • From the $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR\install directory, generate the wrapper files: emcc -Oz -sDISABLE_EXCEPTION_CATCHING=0 -sMODULARIZE=1 -sSINGLE_FILE=1 -sEXPORT_NAME=libantimony -sALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -I$LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/antimony/include -I$LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/sbml/include -I$LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/expat/include $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/antimony/lib/libantimony.a $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/sbml/lib/libsbml-static.a $LIBANTIMONYJS_DIR/install/expat/lib/libexpat.a -o libantimony.js -sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_loadString,_loadAntimonyString,_loadSBMLString,_clearPreviousLoads,_getAntimonyString,_getSBMLString,_getCompSBMLString,_getLastError,_getWarnings,_getSBMLInfoMessages,_getSBMLWarnings,_freeAll,_malloc,_free -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall,cwrap,allocateUTF8,UTF8ToString
    • The sEXPORTED_FUNCTIONS= lists all of the Antimony function calls with javascript wrappers.

Add/subtract wrapped Antimony API calls.

It is straightforward to add wrappers for Antimony functions currently not included (Only ~10% of the functions currently have javascript wrappers). Refer to ../antimony/src/antimony_api.h for available function calls.

Build Libantimonyjs on GitHub using workflow actions.

Workflow is currently initiated manually.

  • Go to Actions page of repository and pick 'build-libantimonyjs-github-actions' on leftside of page.
  • Click the 'Run workflow' drop-down button.
  • Enter the Antimony and LibSBML version you wish to use for the build.
  • Click the 'Run workflow' button and the build should start.


JavaScript version of the antimony library to support human-readable, human-writable modular model definition language.






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