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Kratix Charts

This directory contains charts which you can use to install and operate Kratix in either a single Kubernetes cluster, or across a multi-cluster setup.

To understand where to use each chart, you must understand a bit about the way Kratix schedules resources across destinations.



  • cert-manager must be installed


helm repo add syntasso
helm repo update
helm install kratix syntasso/kratix

Check the individual chart READMEs for more information.


kratix core installation

Whether you plan to schedule all work to a single cluster, or spread across multiple, you will need to use the kratix chart.

For configuration options, see the chart README.

Note The kratix chart installs the Kratix framework. If you are running a multi-cluster setup, this is typically installed on a platform or admin style cluster.

Using Kratix depends on access to a GitOps state store. It is suggested to register a Git repository or public cloud bucket, however for a quick start, you can install and configure a local MinIO or other cluster storage.


Kratix maintains a decoupled architecture which means that it does not ever communicate with destination infrastructure directly. It is up to the platform team to decide how to apply the Kratix documents once scheduled to the correct state store.

In other words, Kratix does not take an opinion on how your platform reconciles work to additional infrastructure. However, we do provide this chart as a way to quickly install the CNCF GitOps project Flux and use the same state store configuration options as used in the kratix chart.

For configuration options, see the chart README.

SKE Operator

The SKE Operator chart deploys the Syntasso Kratix Enterprise Operator. This operator is available only to Syntasso Kratix Enterprise users for the deployment and maintenance of their Kratix deployments.

For configuration options, see the chart README.

Common examples

  • If you are running a single cluster setup, you will need to install both charts on your cluster referring to the same state store configuration.

  • If you are using any compound promises, you will also need to install both charts on the same cluster referring to the same state store configuration.

  • If you are running a multi-cluster setup, you will need to install the kratix chart on your "platform" cluster and the kratix-destination chart on all additional clusters, each with a unique state store configuration.