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Symphony API ideas

nickdunn edited this page Apr 19, 2011 · 13 revisions


Please add here :-)


Getting an entry from a section, filtering by the name field (long)

$section = Sections::getById(1);
$entries = $section->getEntries();
$entry   = $entries->getByName('You')->current();

Getting an entry from a section, filtering by tne name field (short)

$entry = Sections::getById(1)->getEntries()->getByName('Nick')->current();

Getting an entry from an entry id without knowing the section

$entry = Entries::getById(1);

Getting the name and body fields from an entry in section 1, filtering by the name field (long)

$section = Sections::getById(1);
$entries = $section->getEntries();
$entry   = $entries->getByName('You');
$fields  = $entry->get('name', 'body');

Getting the name field from an entry in a section, filtering by name. (short)

$field = Sections::getById(1)->getEntries()->getByName('You')->getName();

Getting the name field from entry 12

$field = Entries::getById(12)->getName();


Class Entry

  • setSectionId(int $section_id) sets section ID
  • setSectionHandle(string $section_handle) sets section handle
  • getFields() returns a collection of field data
  • getField(string $handle) returns the data of a field
  • setField(string $handle, mixed $value) sets the data of a field
  • save(int $section_id) persist Entry in a given section
  • save(string $section_handle) persist Entry in a given section
  • save(Section $section) persist Entry in a given section
  • asXML() return the XML representation of an entry

Class Entries

  • get(int $id) returns an Entry object matching the ID
  • get(array $filters, array $options) returns a collection of Entry objects matching filters, optional array of extra options (fields, limit, sort, direction)

Class Sections

  • get(int $id) returns a Section object matching the ID
  • get(string $handle) returns a Section object matching the handle

Get an entry by ID (no section required), two ways:

$entry = Entries::get(123);
$entry = Entries::get(array('system:id' => 123))->current();

If the argument is numeric (ID) then a single Entry is returned. If an array (of filters) then an iterator or collection of Entry objects is returned.

Get an entry by title (section required)

$section = Sections::get(1);
$entry = $section->getEntries(array('title' => 'Lorem ipsum'))->current();

The getEntries() method on a Section object is the equivalent of Entries::get().

Get specific fields of an entry (e.g. data source included elements)

$section = Sections::get(1);
$entry = $section->getEntries(
		'title' => 'Lorem ipsum'
		'fields' => array('title', 'description', 'date'),
		'limit' => 20,
		'sort' => 'date',
		'direction' => 'desc'

Get the Title field from an entry

$entry = Entries::get(123);
$title = $entry->getField('title');

Create new Entry in section 123

$entry = new Entry();
$entry->setField('title, 'Lorem ipsum');


$section = Sections::get(1);
$entry = new Entry();
$entry->setField('title, 'Lorem ipsum');
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