With Symbols, you can create a Design System and use it in DOMQL, React and soon others components (ask).
For more in-depth exmplanation check out the official documentation page.
Install the CLI
npm i @symbo.ls/cli -g
or inside the project of your frontend
npm i smbls --save
Initialize Symbols design system externally, or inject it in your already existing application.
import { init } from 'smbls'
const color = {
oceanblue: '#112233'
const theme = {
primary: {
text: 'white',
background: 'oceanblue 0.9',
':hover': {
background: 'oceanblue'
init({ color, theme })
More about these config at the Initialization page.
Symbols provides advanced design system tools to support configuring all nessessary tokens in the web application.
You can create a designSystem.js
file and insert following:
export default {
color: {},
theme: {},
typography: {},
space: {},
media: {},
icons: {},
font: {},
font_family: {},
timing: {},
reset: {}
Each token has a individual config parameters. For example colors receive following config:
const colors = {
blue: '#112233',
gray: ['#111', '#CCC'], // light mode, dark mode
modal: '--gray .1', // references with gray and applies 0.1 opacity
bg: {
'@dark': 'black',
'@light': 'white'
Fonts configuration looks like this:
const font = {
OpenSans: [{
url: 'https://...',
isVariable: true,
fontStyle: 'normal',
fontDisplay: 'swap',
unicodeRange: 'U+0100-024F, U+0259, U+1E00-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF'
Icons receive pure SVG objects as follows:
const icons = {
arrow: '<svg viewbox="...'
Although you can configure your bundler in a way that it inlines SVG imports Parcel, Vite.
The example of the default-config page. You can read more at Design System page.
You can directly use this configuration in DOMQL and React components.
The color and fonts use would be like:
const MyComponent = {
H1: { text: 'Hello!' },
Button: {
icon: 'arrow',
text: '
color: 'white',
background: 'blue'
const MyComponent = () => {
<H1 text="Hello"/>
text="Read More!"
Symbols provide all nessessary atoms and components. You can check more at our uikit library.
How components work at components page.
For more in-depth exmplanation check out the official documentation page.